NEW Join me in DeFi Pro and make passive income with crypto.
hey @TechLead, very interesting content once again, thanks for that. This is exactly what came to my mind when I saw the news about the invasion yesterday – suddenly it all makes sense why russia has been pro crypto very recently and I generally agree with your view (no political opinions at any time however) but dont you see a scenario where all of this could also turn out to be pretty bad for crypto and bitcoin in particular since the West surely wont be happy to see russian government people and so on moving around sanctions using crypto currencies? cheers
You're one of a kind, Tech Lead. Million to the moon and beyond!
TechLead is certainly smart when it comes to computers and coding but when it comes to politics, dude's a fool!!
What happened to MM release on Lbank ?
Lol dude, the only person responsible for this war is Putin.
MCGA (Make Crypto Great Again !) From New Zealand
Great video mate.
Great Video ! BTW, I think the 2020 was stolen!? There is no way 81 Million people got off the couch to vote for boring, feckless Biden!
maybe everything is your fault tech boy. the one who just sits and records himself talking on YT
Your videos are great….but what do you mean physical space is useless…where do you think your data is stored? Datafields…where do you think the computers you use and the micro chips you use come from…minerals that are mined in physical space….where do you think your energy that you plug yourself into to communicate via the Internet comes from …currently over 80% Is from energy mined or drilled in a physical space…C'mon…you think Elon Musk has his rocket plugged into charge before he takes off ? Not there yet….
Really learned a lot from this video. I’m Shorting Facebook and joining the metaverse.
You have to short Facebook LMFO XD, yeah Mirror allows you to create delta neutral positions earning interests! it is awesome
if Trump was still president this war would still have happen, don't act like Trump would have stop that lol. I mean Trump even called Putin GENIUS for invading Ukraine.
Trump was too busy making American turning against one another
Is Biden weak and did this encourage Putin? Maybe
But do your own research. Google trump withheld military aide Ukraine. Or google what the first trump impeachment was in relation to Ukraine
I didn't elect him
What's the best way to make profits from crypto investing?
I hope you are joking with your political analysis of the war between Russia and the Ukraine. Regarding the use of cryptocurrency by Russia to evade sanctions, I agree, as sanctions target traditional financial instruments. In times of conflict, markets and investors always rotate into safe haven equities and currencies such as the USD, Japanese Yen, Euro, British Pound Sterling and Gold. In 2022 cryptocurrency might become a new safe haven vehicle for investors to diversify and consolidate their wealth. The market volatility will continue at minimum for the duration of the war and therefor inflation which was described by the U.S. Federal Reserve, Bank of England and the European Central Bank as transitory will now become persistent at least through Q2 of 2022. Food inflation will persist for the duration of 2022 as the price of fertilizer has increased, oil and natural gas prices will moderate past Q2 as there is swing capacity with OPEC members and U.S. natural gas producers.
"the only thing that can stop BTC is if internet is taken down" – its a possibility when a few boyz have a toy that can be controlled using a big red button
Stick to your cute little crypto videos, politics and world affairs are not for you. Trump would have sold us down the river and anyone that thinks that bonehead would have been a better choice right now is stoned out of their minds.
BitCoin is not "safe haven". It is rater "endless risk".
You don't have context on whats happening but u blame whats happening on regular people.
I gained a ton of respect for Techlead today spoke the damn truth and shut down the B*S* the left has brought to our lives with these morons in charge
Spot on and well done for speaking out
The crypto market continues to go bearish as a result of the Russian invasion on Ukraine. This act has triggered and endangered global economy this includes stocks, bitcoin, alts, oil, gold etc.. ill say it's out rightly wrong to just sit back hodl and wait to continue incur more losses along the line, instead find a way to grow your portfolio. As a trader, I have been able to continue growing my portfolio through the help of Trent Hart which I have made about 8 BTC lately by simply using his daily signals, insights and guidance.
I got 80% of my total portfolio in Crypto and it has been great returns with Mr Dave Javens
NEW Join me in DeFi Pro and make passive income with crypto.
hey @TechLead, very interesting content once again, thanks for that. This is exactly what came to my mind when I saw the news about the invasion yesterday – suddenly it all makes sense why russia has been pro crypto very recently and I generally agree with your view (no political opinions at any time however) but dont you see a scenario where all of this could also turn out to be pretty bad for crypto and bitcoin in particular since the West surely wont be happy to see russian government people and so on moving around sanctions using crypto currencies? cheers
You're one of a kind, Tech Lead. Million to the moon and beyond!
TechLead is certainly smart when it comes to computers and coding but when it comes to politics, dude's a fool!!

What happened to MM release on Lbank ?
Lol dude, the only person responsible for this war is Putin.
MCGA (Make
!) From New Zealand
Great video mate.
Great Video
! BTW, I think
the 2020 was stolen!? There is no way 81 Million people got off the couch
to vote for boring, feckless Biden!
maybe everything is your fault tech boy. the one who just sits and records himself talking on YT
Your videos are great….but what do you mean physical space is useless…where do you think your data is stored? Datafields…where do you think the computers you use and the micro chips you use come from…minerals that are mined in physical space….where do you think your energy that you plug yourself into to communicate via the Internet comes from …currently over 80% Is from energy mined or drilled in a physical space…C'mon…you think Elon Musk has his rocket plugged into charge before he takes off ?
Not there yet….
Really learned a lot from this video. I’m Shorting Facebook and joining the metaverse.
You have to short Facebook LMFO XD, yeah Mirror allows you to create delta neutral positions earning interests! it is awesome
if Trump was still president this war would still have happen, don't act like Trump would have stop that lol. I mean Trump even called Putin GENIUS for invading Ukraine.
Trump was too busy making American turning against one another
Is Biden weak and did this encourage Putin? Maybe
But do your own research. Google trump withheld military aide Ukraine. Or google what the first trump impeachment was in relation to Ukraine
I didn't elect him
What's the best way to make profits from crypto investing?
I hope you are joking with your political analysis of the war between Russia and the Ukraine. Regarding the use of cryptocurrency by Russia to evade sanctions, I agree, as sanctions target traditional financial instruments. In times of conflict, markets and investors always rotate into safe haven equities and currencies such as the USD, Japanese Yen, Euro, British Pound Sterling and Gold. In 2022 cryptocurrency might become a new safe haven vehicle for investors to diversify and consolidate their wealth. The market volatility will continue at minimum for the duration of the war and therefor inflation which was described by the U.S. Federal Reserve, Bank of England and the European Central Bank as transitory will now become persistent at least through Q2 of 2022. Food inflation will persist for the duration of 2022 as the price of fertilizer has increased, oil and natural gas prices will moderate past Q2 as there is swing capacity with OPEC members and U.S. natural gas producers.
"the only thing that can stop BTC is if internet is taken down" – its a possibility when a few boyz have a toy that can be controlled using a big red button
Stick to your cute little crypto videos, politics and world affairs are not for you. Trump would have sold us down the river and anyone that thinks that bonehead would have been a better choice right now is stoned out of their minds.
BitCoin is not "safe haven". It is rater "endless risk".
You don't have context on whats happening but u blame whats happening on regular people.
I gained a ton of respect for Techlead today spoke the damn truth and shut down the B*S* the left has brought to our lives with these morons in charge
Spot on and well done for speaking out
The crypto market continues to go bearish as a result of the Russian invasion on Ukraine. This act has triggered and endangered global economy this includes stocks, bitcoin, alts, oil, gold etc.. ill say it's out rightly wrong to just sit back hodl and wait to continue incur more losses along the line, instead find a way to grow your portfolio. As a trader, I have been able to continue growing my portfolio through the help of Trent Hart which I have made about 8 BTC lately by simply using his daily signals, insights and guidance.
I got 80% of my total portfolio in Crypto and it has been great returns with Mr Dave Javens