Elden Ring is just about here and the reviews for it are extremely positive! So on this week’s episode of IGN’s PlayStation Podcast, …
Elden Ring is just about here and the reviews for it are extremely positive! So on this week’s episode of IGN’s PlayStation Podcast, …
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The title sounds like a review from an art critic on comedy bang bang!
Is it just me or did mitchell just discard all open world games and just describe the same open world features of elden ring as it’s usp lol!
Is that a dude ?????
I know I’m probably going to get some hate but this podcast is SO much better with a different host. I never usually finish the PS or Xbox podcasts, I think both hosts are really dull (I’m sure they’re lovely people irl). NVC and Gamescoop on the other hand, I listen to religiously and I think it’s because of the hosts.
23:52 thank god someone said it. These issues are why I’m surprised it got a perfect score. Wouldn’t the reviewer dock at least half a point for the terrible performance?!
This dude is right — we shouldn’t be giving From the benefit of the doubt on performance. Bloodborne frame pacing is STILL wack.
Brilliantly done Mark Madina! Excellent show. I’m loving Horizon Forbidden West right now. I’m not sure I have the skills for Elden Ring, but boy does Mitchell’s enthusiasm make me want it!
Saltzman gave it a 10 couse it's a great game, he says u can go wherever u want and that he doesn'tike other open world games couse they have questions marks all over maps,elden ring is an open world type of game without ? marks.he defines the game based on questions marks, my point is that should be very thankful to every developer who is making big open world games couse without them gaming would be boring, ofcourse not everyone is able to make a masterpiece and please just do not implement? marks in next new open world games we all have a compass and a GPS we will be fine!
The boss of Xbox Game Studios has said the publisher wants to get better at making the type of blockbuster games that rival PlayStation is known for Matt Booty said Xbox Game Studios is focused on creating a diverse software portfolio noting that the cool thing about Game Pass is that it’s got room for everything from Halo to smaller games like Grounded However he also acknowledged the need for Xbox to deliver the kind of immersive triple A experiences that have become synonymous with Sony Interactive Entertainment Asked if he would like Xbox to have one of those type of games in its line up Booty praised PlayStation’s output First, just to bring it up, hats off to Sony and their studio system and the leaders that they’ve got there I mean it’s fantastic he said You can’t argue with the quality and the craft and the games that they’ve delivered that they’re working on now and the stuff that we’ve seen so far so just kudos and hats off to them I tend to come at that less of one of those and more making sure that we are paying attention to fan expectations I think that there’s a certain kind of game that generates an anticipation that kind of becomes this big tentpole moment it’s a game that fits that intersection that everybody can play and it’s also a big world that you feel like you can inhabit and I think those kinds of games are important And certainly it’s been a place where we have not been out in front we haven’t really had the sort of one to one with Sony there Booty acknowledged I don’t necessarily want to get into what’s our Uncharted What’s our Horizon Zero Dawn What’s our this What’s our that I don’t think that does anybody any good But you hit on a great point which is what I take away was what are those game that have got universal themes that have got a big world that people want to get lost in that have really well realised characters and really high production values That is absolutely what we want to go after
I’m just here for Jada’s game strategy advice and trophy tips.
Trying to phrase this as constructive as possible. I love the long form podcasts. Jada's hardcore. She knows her stuff, and I think she gets interrupted a lot while I'm trying to listen to what she has to say. I think she should be leading the podcast, or at the very least, should be allowed to finish her thoughts without being interrupted. Also, some of ya'll sound stupid when talking about PC gaming. 12GB RAM? that's a ten or fifteen year old PC you're talking about. Stick with your console plebianism if you don't know. Great work overall people. I love all of you.
Awesome job, Mark.
Mitchel is definitely my favorite guest. (Hope he was a regular) I cannot wait till Friday. Mitchell’s review and love for Elder Ring has made me more exited. Greetings from Costa Rica.
Too bad this game doesn't allow map markers and other features a lot of ow games have. The difficulty alone will cause many gamers to never finish. Imagine what this game would be if they didn't cater to hc gamers
omg when he said dorkbush had left IGN I near fell of my chair. I legit was about to throw a party.
What a scuffed bland podcast compared to when we had Max and Brian
I smell that elden ring is game of the year already I'm excited I just pre ordered it tonight
Media outlets give more 10s lately, that's because of driving hype, clicks, sales. BUT, that's not a bad thing, it's nice to know what games are clearly top.
REALLY enjoyed the interview with neil jones
Mitchel looks exhausted and beaten lol
Jada is so charming, shes a great addition to this show. Now if only Brian Came back….
Though elden ring likely isnt for me after playing ds remake and other really difficult sony games like returnal & deathloop, Im glad to see its getting good reviews. I am intrigued to pickup once it drops in price even though Ill never beat like I never beat those other games
That Ronny Barrier is terrific. He should be on every Beyond episode. I would also like to say he had the best lighting.
I saw you had a weapon at +25 which seems crazy to me. Is there an abundance of upgrade materials in this game in comparison to previous games?
Im going bandit, first souls type game ive played fck it.
Ugh. I miss the old crew.
No disrespect but mich look like he been through it. Lol he just looks tired. Elden ring gave him problems. Give this dude a break please. Good review. I’m excited for Friday.
Just this weekend I'll be moving to another town so I won't be able to play, it will be so painful to wait.
I STRONGLY disagree with IGN's review.
The Elden Ring world is empty, lifeless and depressingly underdeveloped. The graphics are very mediocre, several generations behind games like Horizon Forbidden West. Several monsters and many textures are simply reused from Dark Souls III.
The gameplay is the exact same as the dodge-attack mechanics of all the previous games. The controls are not at all ergonomic, you have to constantly fight with the UI to resummon your mount for example, which becomes a real paint later in the game.
The difficulty does not scale properly at all. The lack of diificulty options has been attacked in several IGN reviews in other games, but you give Elden Ring a pass on this. Many players will never finish the game or even defeat the first boss, the majority will have wasted $60.
There are many framedrops throughout the game and there is stuttering.
How this game got a 10/10 is ridiculous, at best this is a 7/10 game.
Most Overrated game of the year
Excellent. I cannot wait!
Sometimes I like to give myself a little extra challenge in open world games like never using fast travel to skip content> I was wondering, can I beat Elden Ring without using a horse? Is it mandatory to use a horse to beat certain bosses or reach certain areas?
When I played the Closed Network Test, I said this was the most D&D game I've ever played. I'm not gonna watch the all podcast, because I want to have my own experience, but Mitchell Saltzman first words about his review feel like what I found fascinating about during the Closed Network Test. Elden Ring feels like Dungeons & Dragons.
Love how diverse beyond is, a lot of regulars to chose from, however would love to see Brian come back and give his impressions against his love of bloodborne! Great show and great cast

Yet nothing described was new to gaming or rpgs. Plenty of games allow you to play in “explorer” mode and discover things naturally. Plenty of games allow you to travel way further and into areas you shouldn’t earlier. Plenty of games have tiered exploration. NOTHING NEW, just new to a fromsoft game
Yeah i had a little heart attack
I’m so ready to get balz deep into the lands between y’all
I believe the last time IGN have a 10 Masterpiece was God of War? Either way it added to my hype already.