Uncharted hits theaters on Feb. 18, 2022. Review by Jeffrey Vega. Uncharted is a safe but serviceable sampling of a new …
Uncharted hits theaters on Feb. 18, 2022. Review by Jeffrey Vega. Uncharted is a safe but serviceable sampling of a new …
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This movie is just a cash grab. Holland is a bad Nate. Overall they should have started slow and easy and spotlight Nate's and Elena's relationship first.
I’m sure an uncharted story, if they just cut out some of the unnecessary stuff, could have made for a wonderful movie. It’s just the people they chose are so unlike the game it’s tough to tell it’s even the same franchise.
Is it 7?
Ehhhhh…. The 7 is ok but it began to sound like an 8
Sebastian Stan as adult Nathan drake? Both around the same age.
I’m sure an uncharted story, if they just cut out some of the unnecessary stuff, could have made for a wonderful movie. It’s just the people they chose are so unlike the game it’s tough to tell it’s even the same franchise.
It's a movie, 7
Beach scene was the best part
wheres sam?!?!
Wahlberg should of been Drake imo .
Obviously, 7.
They made a game influenced by movies and now a movie based on a game influenced by movies…and it's extremely average.
Detective Pikachu and Sonic still holding the standards pretty high.
He said “skip buh-en”. There are two “t”s in that word and you really need to pronounce them. Where did you go to school?
Leave it up to a Sony channel to like a Sony movie about a Sony game.
whoever casted tom holland should be shot and put down.
Well here we go again the internet being the internet not surprised by it given how everyone in the comments are gonna talk crap about the movie even though they haven't watched it yet why because Internet Oh and they want an excuse to argue because they ain't got nothing going on in their lives or in this case Don't have a life at all!!!
Who else got worried when they saw it rated 4 on the preview?
J.K Simmon’s would’ve made for a perfect Sully…
such horrible casting
That's what happens when u try and shoehorn Marvel actors into your movie without considering whether they look the part or not
Damn, you know it’s bad when IGN gives it a 7
Stop putting Marky Mark in movies, holy hell.
Tom Holland is in too many movies. Couldn’t they have found someone else.
Yet even with Covid movie theaters are still making movie exclusive
They really screwed the pooch not casting Bruce Cambell as Sully