A Pyramid Scheme for gamblers! 69,000USD to 32,000USD in a few months. CRASH CRASH CRASH – TO THE MOON – PUMP PUMP PUMP
Full of shitco!
Cue the circus music!
Bitcon ain't going nowhere but down
LMAO this kid gets super pumper award for bitcoin. But FEDCOIN will keep bitcoin way down..
David is designed for lady views, Michelle is for guys. Only reason I'd watch this channel. Your financial info is garbish.
That piece of fabric flapping in the breeze.
< I totally agree with what you are saying….The fact is, BTC is the future of crypto and the questions traders ask themselves now if this is right time to invest? before jumping into conclusion i think you should take a look at things first. for the past few days the price of BTC has been fluctuating which means the market is currently unstable and you cant tell if it is going bearish or bullish. while others still continue to trade without the fear of making lose, others are being patient. it all depends on the pattern with which you trade and also the source of your signals. i would say trading has been going smoothly for me, i started with 2.5 BTC and i have accumulated over 11.6 BTC in just three weeks, with the trading strategy given to me by expert trader Hudson Owen.
Yay for garbage. Moving along. Good luck with 1's and 0's, fortunately a fool and their money…
Most people don't want it ever , so there is that. Youth pumping BS , Youth Looking for something for nothing always .
Most bitcoin comments on here are negative. Maybe bitcoin is bottoming . The fluff is out of the market.
Million dollar BTC Lol…these kids are too funny!
David just crushed this btc bull
Lol how about never, just like the end of last year 100000 lol too funny
I couldn't all the way through the video. Did this tender youth utter the word "tether?"
decred one of the first dao
this guy went from bitcoin going to a million to shitcoining T_T
I cant stand these crypto losers. Crypto printed faster than fiat. Its a joke
If bitcoin hits 1 million its because the ultra rich elite sanctioned it. They created it to keep all of their money out of the banking system. They don't even trust the system they are running now. It's nothing but another scam created by the ultra rich.
2 faced image ironic
Bitcion should be worth 1 million %. Of the cost of production. 1million x zero is still zero… And I own 1.1 bitcoin…
Richie Rich–great movie
is this dude wearing 2 watches?
Guys I want to make it CLEAR as water everytime you hear someone talking about tangible and untangible, you can call out BS. Some exemples are, what's your Tesla without an intangible software? What's your bank without a way to verify your account? Who can live without software supporting distribution of food or meds at local markets and hospitals, the answer is nobody. The day our untangible world become nothing we will follow as humans and became noting or very few. Personally I know that all the knowledge and value of the Company I currently work for is stored on the servers, they run all the know how, the projects the 3D design. This is immensely more valuable than the 10 million dollars machine we actually built with that knowledge, even if the machine produce meds
Trading 1 tulip for 1 bitcoin
Bitcoin wants to be a real store of value as bad as Pinocchio wanted to be a real boy
I believe it only when Gareth will say it
This guy is crazy. So young and so crazy. Sad
So a car salesman wants you to buy a car, who would have thought.
Might be. But at least I don't watch other guys in their toilets and showers. For decades.
Come here for comments from people who like to watch others making life changing money then get all salty about it. I know I will not be disappointed….
God save the queen?
Bitcoin SV Is cheaper more scalable and can do anything ethirium ,solana etal can check It out ,its been delisted from exchanges because its a threat and has utility
1- "Btc is a wealth preservation mechanism"??…with that kind of violativity? Wrong. 2- "Gold is a boring asset"…LMAO, he obviously has never held a few oz of his own in his hands! 3- "I sent a quarter million just the other day"… could've said "I sent a very large amount", but had to flex…d-bag move.
If he is talking about today dollars that means US$ 22 T give an take for the money supply of the world which is too high for a world economy of US$80T give or take. It also implies that Bitcoin would have gotten rid of all its competitors in the crypto space and that all central banks in the world would have abandoned the business of issuing money. Unless he is talking about dollars of the future which will have much less purchasing power.
Cryptocurrencies are a Ponzi scheme, nothing more, nothing less…
Over 18 trillion market cap to it 1 million
Btc to zero
Bring back Richard Heart and ask him the same devils advocate type questions – he’ll give you a better perspective than this guy.
A Pyramid Scheme for gamblers!
69,000USD to 32,000USD in a few months. CRASH CRASH CRASH – TO THE MOON – PUMP PUMP PUMP
Full of shitco!
Cue the circus music!
Bitcon ain't going nowhere but down
LMAO this kid gets super pumper award for bitcoin. But FEDCOIN will keep bitcoin way down..
David is designed for lady views, Michelle is for guys. Only reason I'd watch this channel. Your financial info is garbish.
That piece of fabric flapping in the breeze.
< I totally agree with what you are saying….The fact is, BTC is the future of crypto and the questions traders ask themselves now if this is right time to invest? before jumping into conclusion i think you should take a look at things first. for the past few days the price of BTC has been fluctuating which means the market is currently unstable and you cant tell if it is going bearish or bullish. while others still continue to trade without the fear of making lose, others are being patient. it all depends on the pattern with which you trade and also the source of your signals. i would say trading has been going smoothly for me, i started with 2.5 BTC and i have accumulated over 11.6 BTC in just three weeks, with the trading strategy given to me by expert trader Hudson Owen.
Yay for garbage. Moving along. Good luck with 1's and 0's, fortunately a fool and their money…
Most people don't want it ever , so there is that. Youth pumping BS , Youth Looking for something for nothing always .
Most bitcoin comments on here are negative. Maybe bitcoin is bottoming . The fluff is out of the market.
Million dollar BTC Lol…these kids are too funny!
David just crushed this btc bull

Lol how about never, just like the end of last year 100000 lol too funny
I couldn't all the way through the video. Did this tender youth utter the word "tether?"
decred one of the first dao
this guy went from bitcoin going to a million to shitcoining T_T
I cant stand these crypto losers. Crypto printed faster than fiat. Its a joke
If bitcoin hits 1 million its because the ultra rich elite sanctioned it. They created it to keep all of their money out of the banking system. They don't even trust the system they are running now. It's nothing but another scam created by the ultra rich.
2 faced image ironic
Bitcion should be worth 1 million %. Of the cost of production. 1million x zero is still zero… And I own 1.1 bitcoin…
Richie Rich–great movie

is this dude wearing 2 watches?
Guys I want to make it CLEAR as water everytime you hear someone talking about tangible and untangible, you can call out BS. Some exemples are, what's your Tesla without an intangible software? What's your bank without a way to verify your account? Who can live without software supporting distribution of food or meds at local markets and hospitals, the answer is nobody. The day our untangible world become nothing we will follow as humans and became noting or very few. Personally I know that all the knowledge and value of the Company I currently work for is stored on the servers, they run all the know how, the projects the 3D design. This is immensely more valuable than the 10 million dollars machine we actually built with that knowledge, even if the machine produce meds
Trading 1 tulip for 1 bitcoin
Bitcoin wants to be a real store of value as bad as Pinocchio wanted to be a real boy
I believe it only when Gareth will say it
This guy is crazy. So young and so crazy. Sad
So a car salesman wants you to buy a car, who would have thought.
Might be. But at least I don't watch other guys in their toilets and showers. For decades.
Come here for comments from people who like to watch others making life changing money then get all salty about it. I know I will not be disappointed….
God save the queen?
Bitcoin SV Is cheaper more scalable and can do anything ethirium ,solana etal can check It out ,its been delisted from exchanges because its a threat and has utility
1- "Btc is a wealth preservation mechanism"??…with that kind of violativity? Wrong.
2- "Gold is a boring asset"…LMAO, he obviously has never held a few oz of his own in his hands!
3- "I sent a quarter million just the other day"… could've said "I sent a very large amount", but had to flex…d-bag move.
If he is talking about today dollars that means US$ 22 T give an take for the money supply of the world which is too high for a world economy of US$80T give or take. It also implies that Bitcoin would have gotten rid of all its competitors in the crypto space and that all central banks in the world would have abandoned the business of issuing money. Unless he is talking about dollars of the future which will have much less purchasing power.
Cryptocurrencies are a Ponzi scheme, nothing more, nothing less…
Over 18 trillion market cap to it 1 million
Btc to zero
Bring back Richard Heart and ask him the same devils advocate type questions – he’ll give you a better perspective than this guy.
Ha ha ha. Bitcoin is a joke.