Please contact me; sunlight is mostly 10 hours a day in Puerto Rico. I need a solar generator. We've been without power for 38 days. Please let me know how to buy and get one here.
Muj vědecký kalkuátor byl před 35 roky nabíjený solárním okenkem velikosti 1×5 cm a fungoval i pod žárovkou. proč není zadní strana mobilu ze solárních panelů.
Yep this has already been done with the JuiceBox G2… Search for and check out the "juicebox portable solar generator" It's been proven for over 4 years and does everything the these do and then some only better. And is waterproof when closed.
my laptop charges with a 3 pronged plug into an outlet. would it work for the river battery?
How to get this product
everything under d Solar Deity
Please contact me; sunlight is mostly 10 hours a day in Puerto Rico. I need a solar generator. We've been without power for 38 days. Please let me know how to buy and get one here.
Muj vědecký kalkuátor byl před 35 roky nabíjený solárním okenkem velikosti 1×5 cm a fungoval i pod žárovkou. proč není zadní strana mobilu ze solárních panelů.
Yep this has already been done with the JuiceBox G2… Search for and check out the "juicebox portable solar generator" It's been proven for over 4 years and does everything the these do and then some only better. And is waterproof when closed.
my laptop charges with a 3 pronged plug into an outlet. would it work for the river battery?