Some great ideas get lost in interstellar bureaucracy. ———————————- Follow IGN for more! ———————————- IGN …
Some great ideas get lost in interstellar bureaucracy. ———————————- Follow IGN for more! ———————————- IGN …
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its gonna be free on prime gaming
Wow, what a big miss by IGN on this amazing title. You guys messed up. This is actually a great game.
The game is so much better now. Constant improvements have been made.
This is like when Anthony Fantano rated MBDTF by Kanye a 7
Guys you should update this review. Just saying.
Why don't you just declare war on the AI then? ..
You first must lay a claim on a system and then you can declare war. Unless you have a policy preventing that.
this guy has no idea about gaming lol, the game is at least 9/10
This guy sounds like a gender studies graduate
Someone should really go and review the game 5 years later
you guys need to redo this lol
This guy isn’t too bright is he
Not even the same game anymore after 4 years of nonstop reworks. They need to make a new review because this is needlessly giving false information at this point
Not even the Blorg want to be your friends IGN.
Im gonna try this game for myself instead of listening to you lot
you take this game and combine it with master of orion perfection !! just make the galaxcis bigger !
I don't think I'll stick with IGN for more.
IGN how did you thoroughly play the gamer and review it on the say day the game released?
I was on the fence about buying Stellaris until I came across this IGN review.
Now I am convinced I should buy it.
“For more on Stellaris, stick with IGN.”
No, I don’t think I will.
VisLaud że nie czarno białe <3
Game studios "you like this game?"
Ign "3.5/10"
Game studios "$$$"
Ign " did I say 3.5? I meant to say 9/10"
IGN – Idiotic Gamers Network
IGN's bad ratings don't bother me, I see what they rate highly. Lol. Not shocked.
IGN really is worthless for everything they do other than Gamescoop.
They care more about delivering controversial reviews and churning out mediocre ratings in an effort to generate traffic, instead of actually becoming knowledgeable and proficient at the games before passing judgement.
Great review,thank you very much excellent job!!!!
That's why i stopped following IGN
Why so many dislikes over likes?
6/10? Hm I've seen better games, welp time to move on
So the ai is dumb for not starting a war they can’t win? Hmmmmmm
so so much has changed
This review is a black mark on IGN's history lol. What a joke of a review.
This review is way out of date and all of those problems have been solved so anyone considering buying this game should watch a more up to date review