FB/Meta is trash for 3 reasons: unconstitutional censorship, abysmal earnings, and Truth Social is going to Tear away the majority of FB/Meta’s users by the end of this month!
Short/Sell Meta!
wait, do you mean "am I upset that bitcoin dropped 50% after rising 800%?" no, not too upset.
Honestly, the next big cryptocurrency wave is probably going to be Clover. They own one of the 100 coveted Polkadot seats and it's only 30 cents right now (high of $43).
Michael Saylor said I quote " Bitcoin might be worth something in 100 years " WTF Michael!!! Bad choice of words
I agree with you, People who follow my analysis have made over made over 3000% in profit. It’s about following instructions always. I have been talking about SP 500 in my videos for quite some time now. The market has always been volatile and it is in my own opinion that the market will remain favorable if you understand what you are up against. Due to the FED News market is a bit uncertain so we need to wait certain levels to hit in order to open new positions. I have told my followers to take 50% profit here and rebuy when the market gives the opportunity. The 33k support and 40k resistance levels are important to watch for the next action.
I need a online rpg pirate game preferably in vr With crypto treasures treasures chest developed into game. Something like one piece show.
I believe < that the inflation is already priced in crypto market since the end of last year. These manipulative rats are always 2 steps ahead of everybody because they are market makers. I hope I’m wrong and they won’t keep dumping it on retail investors as always. Those who hold the longest will profit the most, I trade and hold profits keep up the great work! and also James Rutland Fredrick has been doing a great job reviewing all chart, trade and techniques on BTC which has enhance the growth of my portfolio to 17 BTC lately.
No electricity no bitcoin
While bitcoin's wild < price movements might seem random, they are often driven by the same fundamental catalysts as in the traditional markets. Some claim bitcoin is impervious to shocks that affect global finance; it's a hedge against things like inflation and a sure bet against tides of uncertainty. Moves within traditional finance can boost or burn bitcoin's price because they determine how easy it is for financial epicenters like Wall Street to invest in bitcoin…Keeping all this in mind, it is important to trade with the right strategy when going into the crypto world. Shlomi Gray Signals has been doing a great job reviewing all chart, trade and techniques on BTC which has enhance the growth of my portfolio to 12.6 BTC lately.
Wait hold on.
Ok say that again?
Yahoo fake financial news allowing crypto lobbyists and other fraudsters a platform to lie. Fake, fake, fake.
I guess it’s a hidden asset on balance sheet (scammers, go away)
<Most people do not understand the concept of "dip buying". Dip buying is about buying digital assets when their prices are falling and selling them when the price is rising, just when the current market is down. Holding is profitable, but trading is far more profitable. The conditions of this current market are like what we have ever seen before. βͲC still have a long way to go in terms of growth. I have been in the crypto world for a little over a year now and have been able to earn 31 βͲC by following the sensible advice and trading s!gnals of Richard McDonald, a professional analyst who stays one step ahead of other traders. He runs a program for serious i̇ṅṽėṡṫȯṙ/newbies who want to earn regardless of the current price trend. bufferingYou can reach Aaron on ͲeIєɠɾαmrichard2happy.
This guy is a full on grifter
This dude said there’s no asset on any stock exchange that you will be able to understand 100 years from now
Your T.V. set won't work?? Don't worry! Try Bitcoin! Your leg has broken off??…Don't worry, try Bitcoin! Your friend's business is failing??…Don't worry, have them switch to Bitcoin!
Your friend's sister's cousin's country El Salvador is struggling?…Don't worry! Have them make Bitcoin legal tender! ….Okay…but like how is that gonna help me get a better job again…? How is this going to instill consumer confidence, remind me?….
Such a deep thinker on Bitcoin and the crypto space is Michael Saylor, always interesting to hear what he's saying.
Bit Coin in 100 years? Comic Books and Baseball Cards in 100 years? WE WILL ALL be Dead. ZERO
I believe < that the inflation is already priced in crypto market since the end of last year. These manipulative whales are always 2 steps ahead of everybody because they are market makers. I hope I’m wrong and they won’t keep dumping it on retail investors as always. Those who hold the longest will profit the most, I trade and hold profits keep up the great work! and also Jason Barry has been doing a great job reviewing all chart, trade and techniques on BTC which has enhance the growth of my portfolio from 1.7BTC to 8 BTC lately..
Crypto keeps fluctuating, coursing a lot of loss ,what's the best way to make money from crypto trading
those damn WhatsUp bots
Investing in crypto currency now should be in every wise individuals list, in 2 to 3months time, you will be estactic with the decision you made today
FB/Meta is trash for 3 reasons: unconstitutional censorship, abysmal earnings, and Truth Social is going to Tear away the majority of FB/Meta’s users by the end of this month!
Short/Sell Meta!
wait, do you mean "am I upset that bitcoin dropped 50% after rising 800%?" no, not too upset.
Honestly, the next big cryptocurrency wave is probably going to be Clover. They own one of the 100 coveted Polkadot seats and it's only 30 cents right now (high of $43).
Michael Saylor said I quote " Bitcoin might be worth something in 100 years " WTF Michael!!! Bad choice of words
I agree with you, People who follow my analysis have made over made over 3000% in profit. It’s about following instructions always. I have been talking about SP 500 in my videos for quite some time now. The market has always been volatile and it is in my own opinion that the market will remain favorable if you understand what you are up against. Due to the FED News market is a bit uncertain so we need to wait certain levels to hit in order to open new positions. I have told my followers to take 50% profit here and rebuy when the market gives the opportunity. The 33k support and 40k resistance levels are important to watch for the next action.
I need a online rpg pirate game preferably in vr With crypto treasures treasures chest developed into game. Something like one piece show.
I believe < that the inflation is already priced in crypto market since the end of last year. These manipulative rats are always 2 steps ahead of everybody because they are market makers. I hope I’m wrong and they won’t keep dumping it on retail investors as always. Those who hold the longest will profit the most, I trade and hold profits keep up the great work! and also James Rutland Fredrick has been doing a great job reviewing all chart, trade and techniques on BTC which has enhance the growth of my portfolio to 17 BTC lately.
No electricity no bitcoin
While bitcoin's wild < price movements might seem random, they are often driven by the same fundamental catalysts as in the traditional markets. Some claim bitcoin is impervious to shocks that affect global finance; it's a hedge against things like inflation and a sure bet against tides of uncertainty. Moves within traditional finance can boost or burn bitcoin's price because they determine how easy it is for financial epicenters like Wall Street to invest in bitcoin…Keeping all this in mind, it is important to trade with the right strategy when going into the crypto world. Shlomi Gray Signals has been doing a great job reviewing all chart, trade and techniques on BTC which has enhance the growth of my portfolio to 12.6 BTC lately.
Wait hold on.
Ok say that again?
Yahoo fake financial news allowing crypto lobbyists and other fraudsters a platform to lie. Fake, fake, fake.
I guess it’s a hidden asset on balance sheet (scammers, go away)
<Most people do not understand the concept of "dip buying". Dip buying is about buying digital assets when their prices are falling and selling them when the price is rising, just when the current market is down. Holding is profitable, but trading is far more profitable. The conditions of this current market are like what we have ever seen before. βͲC still have a long way to go in terms of growth. I have been in the crypto world for a little over a year now and have been able to earn 31 βͲC by following the sensible advice and trading s!gnals of Richard McDonald, a professional analyst who stays one step ahead of other traders. He runs a program for serious i̇ṅṽėṡṫȯṙ/newbies who want to earn regardless of the current price trend. bufferingYou can reach Aaron on ͲeIєɠɾαm
This guy is a full on grifter
This dude said there’s no asset on any stock exchange that you will be able to understand 100 years from now

Your T.V. set won't work?? Don't worry! Try Bitcoin!
Your leg has broken off??…Don't worry, try Bitcoin!
Your friend's business is failing??…Don't worry, have them switch to Bitcoin!
Your friend's sister's cousin's country El Salvador is struggling?…Don't worry! Have them make Bitcoin legal tender!
….Okay…but like how is that gonna help me get a better job again…? How is this going to instill consumer confidence, remind me?….
Such a deep thinker on Bitcoin and the crypto space is Michael Saylor, always interesting to hear what he's saying.
Bit Coin in 100 years? Comic Books and Baseball Cards in 100 years? WE WILL ALL be Dead. ZERO
I believe < that the inflation is already priced in crypto market since the end of last year. These manipulative whales are always 2 steps ahead of everybody because they are market makers. I hope I’m wrong and they won’t keep dumping it on retail investors as always. Those who hold the longest will profit the most, I trade and hold profits keep up the great work! and also Jason Barry has been doing a great job reviewing all chart, trade and techniques on BTC which has enhance the growth of my portfolio from 1.7BTC to 8 BTC lately..
Crypto keeps fluctuating, coursing a lot of loss ,what's the best way to make money from crypto trading
those damn WhatsUp bots
Investing in crypto currency now should be in every wise individuals list, in 2 to 3months time, you will be estactic with the decision you made today