Top 5 Best Smart Locks for Your Home | Best Door Lock Reviews

If you want increased ease of access and home security, a smart door lock might be the gadget you need. … 5 latest deadbolt …


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About the Author: ZedIOptima


  1. Know what would be great if there was just a button that was locking the door it only locked the door with out the key.

  2. Know what would be great if there was just a button that was locking the door it only locked the door with out the key.

  3. I'm disabled and I have difficulty opting doors .when I'm in my wheelchair the doors are a real problem 'they are so annoying I was actually thinking of taking them off all together until I saw this video 'and another thing I'm gonna buy is the automatic blinds that open through Alexa just say open alexia and the blinds open or close whatever 'it's another must for me

  4. Its not to stop a burglar it for ease of use eg a load of shopping the smart lock will open automatically or it would be brilliant for a disabled person in an electric wheel chair, just to sale up to the front door and it automatically opens for them brilliant so these locks have their benefits

  5. smartphone, internet and IOT and wireless connection are the worst keepers imaginable for your home or office….
    If you're going to use an electronic lock, do not connect it to anything, unless its locally by cat5 cable.
    Unless you like anybody walking into your house at will.

    If a smartphone is an integral part of a lock / security system, avoid it like the plague.

  6. In the car Did you lock the door? Go check it. Omg u let it unlocked! Go lock the door now. It keep unlocking whenever im approaching the door. And this last forever.

  7. Wireless technology is not safe at all if everything is connected together at one place via one network it can bring billions of radiation at once I prefer staying in the old style a card key or by using keys old style was the safest the future is not safe at all thinking about all the diseases which will c ok me in side my house omg. The first thing which scares me is cancer its surely gonna come so I prefer not making my home smart I dont wanna die by the use of technology my phone,& PC is more than enough

  8. It would be great if these smartlocks had the same feature along with a keypad so that you could punch a code in if you get locked outside without your cell phone. Looking into getting one for all our doors.

  9. I might consider a smart lock, but then hope I don't piss off a black hat hacker. They might wirelessly hack the phone. That can be done via BT even when you think you have it turned off.

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