IGN Reviews – Lord of the Rings: War in the North Game Review

IGN gives its video review of the new Lord of the Rings: War in the North. Should you return to Middle Earth for Snowblind’s co-op …


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  1. Whoever played this game did so half-assed. Half of the information in this video is false, and yeah, of course you encounter nothing but the same enemies. All the gameplay is from the first hub and first combat area. This is a shitty review, and severely discredits my faith in IGN.

  2. Feels similar to Dragons Dogma another hidden gem of a game I've just bought this game and rather enjoy it I'd say it's not bad but not spectacular if you're a lord of the rings fan you should definitely pick it up and give it a shot it's not to expensive after all.

  3. This game is simply gold. There is NOTHING wrong with it. Over a decade it's been a legacy game. Over 10 million experience gained. Completely Legendary playthrough over a hundred times likely. Not one thing is in that game I have not done. It is BEAUTIFUL. I see their personality. Personally, I love bringing the character of the correct race to each safe place to get unique interactions.

    Elves in Rivendell have unique dialogue for Andriel as a friend, and the Dwarves have many fun dialogue with Farin.

    But also, this game is FULL of book references. I love that the movie drove it's appearance, but it extracts many story and lore elements from the books, which can be found by delving through all dialogue from characters. Which there is a ton of dialogue. The enemies, I love them. I think there's enough variations.

    Tiny goblins,
    Basic Orcs,
    Uruks Shields,
    Uruk Berserkers,
    Uruk-Hai Shields and Berserkers, (Much more thick Armour.)
    Duelist orcs with twin blades,
    A whole dead region of unique enemies, Barrow Wights, Empowered Corpses. (Glowing bright green.) They survive decapitation.
    Trolls, and armoured trolls.
    Sappers. (Suicide bomber.)

    And the gameplay is absolutely legendary. I love running through, hearing that lovely sound of my axe, and picking up loot. I love the large drum for a notification sound, the quests, the worlds. I can play that game three times over in one day and feel satisfied. It is everything to me.

  4. You have to at least have to leave rivendell for the second time before you can make a reliable review. As of release date this game deserves a 9.5 – amazing for the time but doesn't stack up to games like mass effect.
    As of now 7.5 – a great game that is comparable to games now. A worthwhile play although it is pretty dated and sub-par to great games now. More than worth the price

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