Markets are about to go 'biblical'; this key indicator is signaling major moves – Michael Gayed

Markets are about to go 'biblical'; this key indicator is signaling major moves - Michael Gayed

Michael Gayed, portfolio manager of Toroso Investments, discusses with David Lin, anchor for Kitco News the implications of a …


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  1. Ah the lumber gold ratio guy again.
    I missed him.
    Another grand exercise in pointlessness

    There's 3 horseman of the Apocalipse fir the markets and lumber is not one of them, neither is gold.
    Interest rates
    Crude oil

    Everything else is just talking heads trying to make a living on twitter while cosistently underperforming.

  2. "Biblical" is a stupid adjective to use! It could mean rocket up or collapse down, so it's meaningless. To descripbe a collapse, "apocalyptic" would be more appropriate. But even better: use plain English!

  3. He's either dumb or manipulating the market, lumber is going up because everyone is rushing to build houses to sell them before the bubble bursts, that is all, it is not an indicator of anything else. Everything is about to crash big though but it's all massively over valued anyway.

  4. Most people think… Investing in crypto is all about buying coin and leaving it to rise, common it takes much analysis to be a successful crypto trader, Josephine can tell you more because that's her field of expertise..

  5. Lumber to gold? That's an absurd indicator. The market manipulators have been suppressing the paper price of gold for the past year, pushing up that ratio. It's nuts to use that as an indicator. 🤪

  6. <Most people think… investing in Crypto is all about buying coin and leaving it to rise,🚀come on it takes much analysis to be a successful crypto trader. That being said, as traders we can still make good money 😀, I trade with Bobby Lucas, his skills set is unique. I am already growing my 3.2 btc to 12.4 btc from September till date>🙌🏻

  7. Excess leverage with much debt from China. China has pumped trillions into stable coins with their fiat, and so have many other debtors. When that currency starts coming out look for for crypto to tumble far. AFter that happens make your way back in. Cash will lose the least in the short term.

  8. you can make the correlations of lumber prices to supply chain disruptions and companies closing due to covid. variables play a role in everything and to just look at prices as the driving factor is flawed

  9. Relatively speaking, outsized returns are always from tech companies… Ford Motor Company was a tech company when horses and buggies were the main mode of transport… the modern assembly line they innovated on? Tech!

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