Today we have a bunch of cool gadgets that’ll improve your body and your stamina. There’s also something for those, who’re into …
Today we have a bunch of cool gadgets that’ll improve your body and your stamina. There’s also something for those, who’re into …
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Nice work man
Can you do an episode with products we could actually buy for a cheap price? Thanks
Thank you very much.
On my mama on my hood, I look fly, I look good, touch my swag, wish could, I look fly, I look good.
Very Good Gadgets not gonna Lie .
The First and the Second Ones where my Most Favourite ones in this Video rest are useful and I am sure * Expensive * also and also the Wind and Water Power Generator ths Pretty cool to
Im into that bottle it caught my attention
The music hat causes problems with epilepsy and anyone who has had brain surgery
Fix your volume level
"You can use it to scan unknown words"
* scans "mens health"*
Mom can you pass the charger?I forgot to charge my hat.
I love the Videos, but i just wish so much that they were longer. Thanks for cool Gadgets though
Enjoyed the video and I gave it a Thumbs Up
6:02 Ron's Gone Wrong moment
the last one! me likey thanks!
XD ..you can change the title to "15 stupid tech that you will never need" and it would be ok XD .."here is an USB button, in case you are to lazy to move your mouse around" XD
Why do u use seeing instead of buying in the title
that tiktok lamp

Over 100K for a monitor?? um…….no
I expected the rear-view cycling mirror to come with an app too.
The robot bag was so cool and cute
bruuhhh thieves can hust take it and run away with it

For some reason i always expect a bottle opener with these gadgets
Really need to reshoot that translator thing- I don’t think you can scan/translate Chinese/Japanese/Korean going from left to right.
Which is the keyboard at start. Has an usb port. ?
Why is a tattoo freak exercising ? He obviously doesn't care about his looks. Why did you feel like I needed to see it. Now you made me lose my lunch again, and I haven't even eaten it yet… PLEASE STOP THIS GROTESQUE AND VOMIT INDUCING PICTURES ! IT'S DISGUSTING !
Are they all on the market?
Do you really think, this voice motivates me to buy something?