17 Coolest Gadgets for Men That Are Worth Seeing

17 Coolest Gadgets for Men That Are Worth Seeing

Today’s set is for disciples of comfortable hiking, big fans of fancy keychains and even hardcore gamers Are you ready?


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About the Author: YouFact Tech


  1. 5:43 If someone was doing that while talking to me in any other scenario than him being a mafia enforcer, and me a cringing shopkeeper, I'd take them away and beat him to death with them.

  2. I do agree. Adding prices will be easier for everybody to know whats in their price range? The products are very cool and the video is great 👏 big inspiration for our channel, Technologize

  3. We're still trying to make Onewheel happen?

    Right because segues and hoverboards were such raging successes. Oh my god, drop this stupid bullshit already, tech bros. Also insta-nope on anything with the word 'tactical' on its packaging. There's a 'tactic' to using any product you buy. Put the camo clothes away, take a shower, get off Call of Duty, put your Mountain Dew can down and go get a job.

  4. I can't afford medical insurance or doctor. I am supposed to have a colonoscopy though… Wonder if that endoscope would be useful. Videos are so much more pleasant and peaceful when you don't have circus freaks popping up, nauseating me.

  5. To whoever is reading this,

    You are loved.

    You are blessed.

    Your dreams are manifesting as we speak.

    Time is on your side.

    Everything will work out in your favor.

    May you find more love, peace and prosperity❤❤❤🙏🙏🙏

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