Dear, GOD help those who help themselves.what you know?
Okay we'll,Hello Respectable salam 2 all's.I hope all's get better and family a Asylum Seeker over to five years.the environment in Afghanistan's is very insecure.the whole world knows.What a security life Rick here' has been more than five years Since the Refugees and Asylum Seekers families lived here.Respectable my family request the UNITED NATIONS and UNHCR please help the Safe life Protection.Thanks
You were NOT invited to Finland, you were NOT invited to Europe, you are spreading pollution and the collapse of countries that have done you no harm.
Looks great, i want to use this for VR program in a Refugee camp in Uganda
Dear, GOD help those who help themselves.what you know?
Okay we'll,Hello
world knows.What a security life Rick here' has been more than five years Since the Refugees and Asylum Seekers families lived here.Respectable my family request the UNITED NATIONS and UNHCR please help the Safe life Protection.Thanks
Respectable salam 2 all's.I hope all's get better and family a Asylum Seeker over to five years.the environment in Afghanistan's is very insecure.the whole
You were NOT invited to Finland, you were NOT invited to Europe, you are spreading pollution and the collapse of countries that have done you no harm.
Looks great, i want to use this for VR program in a Refugee camp in Uganda
I did the voice over
Great story, and wonderful to see it in VR!
fantastic use of the medium
Wow! Good work…
Go Omar!
Great job Warda !!!
Sharing, Justice and Peace for All.