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This why people are getting killed at these stupid ass things. Nobody knows how to drive, full sends, getting lucky until they hit eachother or a dumb ass bystander that's standing in the middle of it for some reason
Dam a vareity of every car in this video all going hard af, And when all of them were going at once that had to be loud af
bro thats insane
Ngl takeovers are fun to watch would never take part in one though
imma fuck around n power slide my S5 in the pit
These are “car guys”
seen this in callmekens
What happened to the Silverado and the scat pack
How the f these cars could work after this?
Rip to the engines
Nigga almost hit the Mustang.
These are stolen clips from HawtBoiz Youtube channel! he has 15k subs LIKE SO THEY CAN KNOW!

That grey ctsv
From Chicago but y’all on another level
Bay Area shit

Ahhh yes I miss this types of videos i hope to see more of these
When I see a new post I want to see Chris not this reckless trash.
i was tryn see tha damage on tht charger
we made the thumbnail
you from the bay bruh
This is what the rest of the world think all America is like!! Murica!
Do people swap insurance after they mack each other in the pit
Your stealing content from hawt boiz
What happens about the damage to cars do they just walk away or do they actually talk about insurance cause some of these cars are expensive
I like seeing them get killed by cars lol
Hold the fuck up. Is this a take over or a mother fuckin war zone?!?
Just my opinion but I think the drivers should be cough wearing masks because of you know, covid, cough cough just in case.
You know it’s a fun turnout without the cops coming & nobody having to run
No Social Distancing here…
A bunch of v8’s
This is dope, but how the f y’all last this long w lasers n loud ass cars lmaoooo
im all for having car fun but at what point is enough is enough and you do it at a closed track? Someone dieing? You dieing? Some being paralyzed forever?
And the reason Chris is never in these vids anymore? Exactly
I guess Police had a serious emergency meeting at dunkin donuts at this time
Yuh done know when you see that camera shake is another guy behind thr camera
As a Egyptian this is crazy dog