Here are all The Game Awards 2021 reveals for new and upcoming games. From The Matrix Awakens and Star Wars: Eclipse to a new Wonder Woman game …
Here are all The Game Awards 2021 reveals for new and upcoming games. From The Matrix Awakens and Star Wars: Eclipse to a new Wonder Woman game …
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Wait! Tell tale is Back???

TellTale games are back!?!?
Anybody see GTA6?
Game Awards are genuinely better than E3 at this point
Some cool games
Some cool games
No Bioshock 2 No New Reident Evil OKAY THEN whe have alan wake 2 hellblade 2 a plague tale 2 BOOM DA BOOM
So excited for elden ring
Great videos coupled with great songs. it was actually the songs that kept me hooked for the first few seconds
Only me or what ? What is this crap games ? This u call theme games ?
Did the video really need the shitty music?
Evil west devil may cry x read dead
Finally… A Wonder Woman game
This year's game awards absolutely obliterated E3
Ok but among us vr is where it's at
Is that "roll the thing" girl?
Very depressive, not even a single game worth waiting
Waiting on PROJECT ACE
Glad to see The Expanse and Dune get some love. The books, show and movie within those universes are amazing.
elden ring
Legit freaked out with Alan Wake 2, so excited.
One day we’ll see EA release Skate 4. Might be another decade but one day..
Glad to see The Expanse and Dune get some love. The books, show and movie within those universes are amazing.
4 hour show condensed to 8 minutes. Thank You…this is all we really needed to see.
The queen is the real award!
What's the music playing on this video?
Anyone know the instrumental that started around 5:45?
no Silksong news
annoying music
But I’m also gonna need a list of all the music that was playing
No gameplay no care
5:30, congratulation mihoyo for winning a game award of Genshin impact. Now hand over the primogen
Thought it was a john wick game

Half-life 3 confirm
Nothing that really makes me feel anxious. Meh. Maybe, MAAAAAYBE dying light 2.
8 minutes of pure game reveals
And most of them look great
Best reveals:
– Alan Wake 2
– Space Marine 2
Only Silksong is missing there, VGA must have forgotten to show it! We… must… have… FAITH!