Reviewed by Tristan Ogilvie on PC. Also available on PlayStation 5. “Terminator: Resistance Annihilation Line tightens its combat to bring a slightly more …
Reviewed by Tristan Ogilvie on PC. Also available on PlayStation 5. “Terminator: Resistance Annihilation Line tightens its combat to bring a slightly more …
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Wish they make a sequel to salvation in the war with john Connor.
Shame they didn't put more money into this game
Got the UK version and the PS five enhanced collectors edition
IGN don't get it
Don't tell this guy that all you do in Halo Infinite is shoot aliens….
No PS4 love?!
Tristan is one of the worst IGN presenters; and that's saying a lot!
Well this guy clearly didn’t like it. Why let him review it. Smh.
They gave the new space jam a 7/10. But this is 5/10… it seems kinda odd that they would give it such a low score when my understanding is T1 and T2 fans loved this game/universe. This makes even less sense when they gave the main game a low scores and fans cried murder bc they enjoyed it so much.
Why would they have "moments of levity" T1 was almost a slasher movie with constant tension and death. It's clear this is going for that T1, downtrodden, and T2, action, vibe.
You insulted my Terminator Genesis dvd and I’m not mad
A surprise for sure, but a welcome one.
They sould make a 4 v 1 game where one person plays as a T800 hunting one of the players and you have to defeat him with primitive Wepons eg pistols,shotguns and the such. Naturally the T 800 is a Over powdered tank
Underrated game big time! Not just for terminator fans, plus compare this to AAA games like battlefield 2042 this is 100x better…
has the reviewer seen terminator 2 at 2:50 he says that Flying HK was too easily destroyed when he got a rocket launcher (the opening battle in T2 has a flying HK being destroyed by a rocket)
Incase you couldn't tell..I clicked the disklike button.
Crap game
They gave it 5
5/10 no check from studio
IGN being out of touch with it's reviews, nothing new there.
They gave a poor score for the original game, and another poor score for it's DLC, so it's not hard to see that they are wholly disconnected from what this game actually is, not what they think it's trying to be.
The fact they cannot see this as being a love letter, compared to all the trashy movie based Terminator games we got in the past, shows how out of touch IGN is.
Based your purchase in what ign have to said is like buying a car based on a chef opinion
That tristan is a snarky one. Unpleasant to listen to.
They should come up with 3person view with 4 player co op terminator game like Alien fire team!!!
so much coping in these comments. cmon guys I'm a HUGE terminator fan but can we all admit that this game is not great. it's very OKAY. I'd say the reviews are justified.
only loading time is an issue, the game is a blast to play
Loved resistance. Can't wait for the Dlc.
The review is pretty accurate. Better save your dollars for something else.
Yet… No Xbox love.
A fan game? What fan would release it like this?
5… so, it's better than IGN says!?
Also, which system, only PS5 again?
Didn't even know this game getting a DLC
You know a horror game would had been better no?
not this crappy piece of crap call of duty clone
The tone of this review is so mean-spirited and the attempts at humor are just embarrassing. Don't let this guy ever review anything again.
This game had a DLC?? Lmaoo what
This is the best Terminator game ever made – but it’s still absolute garbage.