Nokia Lumia 920 vs Samsung Galaxy Note 2: Camera Test Comparison. It’s Android Jelly Bean vs Windows Phone 7 as we see which of these top smartphones …
Nokia Lumia 920 vs Samsung Galaxy Note 2: Camera Test Comparison. It’s Android Jelly Bean vs Windows Phone 7 as we see which of these top smartphones …
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Note 2 !
I got both, and Nokia is better in camera, but like a phone, note 2 is quite better. So here Lumia 920 wins. And idk why but here looks really bad video quality in both.
lumia 920 win
Note 2 for the win!
lumia 920 win!
Note 2 for outdoor shots and Lumia for Low light shots.
Outdoor shots on lumia look good(a little bit too dark) but colors were changing drastically with the camera movements(exposure problems).Note 2 was maintaining constant colors.
But when it comes to low light shots,Samsung always struggles but lumia,no need to say as its all about low light photography.,isn't it…
They dont hear you, that are fanboys. Logic doesnt count.
Love the Muzak. Just something you guys did on a keyboard, or is it something I can buy?
Dark = Hidden details – as you can see in this video!
ManPingus vete a a la mierda con tus nokias de porqueria andrioid es mejor
So a device has to have a 1080p screen for it to be HD? 1280×768 isn't HD? Also in a Windows Phone all you need is a dual-core processor (that's the maximum a windows phone is allowed to use) unlike an Android phone you don't need a 2 gigahertz quad-core processor with 2gb of RAM just to have minimal lag. And lastly, the WP store has plenty of apps, at least all the ones I use to use on my Android, because for some reason when someone can't find 2 of their games on WP they get pissed off.
fuck you and the cheap plasticky dogshit devices that samsung makes, they all look and feel the same and they can put in a new processor, make the screen a little bigger, and add useless features all they want. their devices still look like shit and will never be as well-made as Nokia's devices. Samdung hasn't made a "unique" looking device since the original GAYlaxy shit, then all they did was slightly alter the insides and call it a new device, upgraded processor or not it still lags too!
The Samdung Gaylaxy's pictures are the ones that look unnatural! They're all washed out and the DIS on the Note, and every other shitty device made by Samdung, make the video look all shaky!
Very true, I agree! The Note's camera, along with all the other SamDUNG devices are horrible!
Lol you prefer the plasticky shit products Samdung puts out? The first GAYlaxy shit, the second one, the 3rd gaylaxy, and the fourth gaylaxy SHIT, along with both the gaylaxy notes are ALL THE SAME PHONE.
NOKIA Master Race
ur kidding me? u should say they might get back to the lead their new phones are amazing
Note 2 camera is the best but…when it comes to low light really…nokia lumia 920 camera was'nt bad it was awesome
If you just zoom to ×4 the note 2 is better
Nokia winner, very good
guest what?? TechRadar is made by Samsung Fanboy… ^^v
have a comparision versus galaxy note 1 ? I think note 1 has a better camera that 2, by other hand think with zoom in this video note 2 looks better. Sorry for my english, hope could be understable, i just know a little bit.
please no offended.. i think from my opinion both smart phone are doin well.. But for me, i think nokia lumia is much better than galaxy note 2.. i am windows phone user.. so i used to take a lot of picture.. Nokia lumia camera is automatically change the mode by depending the situasion or scene.. Thank You 🙂
The nokia is so depressing looking all dark and gloomy. Garbage phone
The note is the king of all phones. The only phone better then a note 2 is a note 3
i have Galaxy S2 and it is the best than Lumia 920…my old phone was Nokia 6300, the old Nokia is the strongest phone i ever seen, but the smart one is so weak… 🙁
I call bullshit
Note 2 Is the best!but still Lumia is also good
Samsung wins in my opinion. Samsung has more of a natural look where as the Lumia has too much contrast and is too dark.