Top 5 Best Upcoming Smartphones 2022: which are the best mobile phones?

Top 5 Best Upcoming Smartphones 2022: which are the best mobile phones?

Here are top 5 best futuristic upocming flagship smartphones 2022. Let us know which are the best mobile phones? β–»Get New Mobile Phones Here: …


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About the Author: Science and Knowledge


  1. Okay, I was almost going to buy Xiaomi Mi 11 or T11. After seeing this video I'll wait for Xiaomi Mi 12/ultra version because I want long lasting phone and good build quality.

  2. Galaxy note 22 ultra… holy sh1t what a monster😢😢😢😢😢😢
    And are you serious ir was that a writing failure of 11.000$ ??????
    Nobody… NOBOOOOOOOODYYYYY could/would buy it for this price😨😱

  3. ….and they all look the same to me. I have yet to see any "Wow" factors. Show me a functional science-fiction phone. Show me something new. Show me something I havent seen before.

  4. Xperia PRO 5G mark ii

    Rumoured release 2022.

    Same/better specs as xperia 1 iv. But larger battery, and mini HDMI. 65wh charger

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