My take on using the showcase (drone) camera in Microsoft flight Simulator for the best cinematic shots. Website: https://www.theflightsimdeck.com/ Instagram: …
My take on using the showcase (drone) camera in Microsoft flight Simulator for the best cinematic shots. Website: https://www.theflightsimdeck.com/ Instagram: …
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I’m using a stadia controller and configured the controls like the DJI drone.
Very helpful! Thanks! How did you do that "fly by" at the beginning of the video?
Thank you so much for sharing this video. At last I've finally found the answers I've been searching for regarding the camera settings. You did an excellent, amazing job on this video. I truly appreciate it, and throughly enjoyed viewing it. Can't wait to try all of these things in the sim!
Really helpful video, you’ve convinced me to get a controller!
Thanks for the video. When I use the drone I loose the ability to get a cam back inside the cockpit any ideas
What airport is that? And what graphics settings.. looks amazing
Thank you for this informative and very useful video
Awesome video one other question how do you do a flyby cam with the drone? Where the drone is stationary but veiws the plane going past at speed so to speak? I've seen a few people do this in their videos but not sure how they did it?
How do you get out of showcase mode?
What I really wanted was an explanation of the Lock mode and stuff (CTRL-Tab toggle, Tab toggle, etc.) Oh well, maybe somewhere else I can find the explanation.
@The Flight Sim Deck, Super detailed instructions, cannot believe, with all the money spent for joysticks/throttle controls, they did not integrate, that , at least in the joystick, will be getting the Airbus unit, shortly, and did you get the Logitech analog controller from Amazon?
Very useful. Thanks. I am wondering how the "target" commands function/what they are for. Any thoughts?
How do I connect my ps4 controller
Need to get myself a controller. This is a great feature. Good, informative video.

Well done! Thank you for this very professional video. I will now take your advise and improve my drone camera skills. What a remarkable sim. The inclusion of this novel drone just adds to the enjoyment of playing MFS2020. BTW, I have been using Slew Mode to quickly move to a spot for further investigation with the drone. I will now have to see which is faster, drone or slew.
When I’m in drone camera mode I use a Xbox controller I only have the drone controls set to that controller but when I use my rudder pedals the aircraft still moves but I can’t control it?
Thanks very helpful!
This is exactly what I've done using my Xbox controller allowing you to "fly" the camera around more smoothly and precisely and, in addition, I have set up my X-52Pro stick & throttle to allow me to fly the drone more like a helicopter (subtle hint there, HELICOPTER) as there currently are none.
Good job, thanks. Well explained with just the right amount of detail
Ah yes