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About the Author: IGN


  1. First off, Jen Zee has to be one of the best artists in the industry right now. IMO.

    thinking about this game makes me feel all teary. It's crazy to think that I ignored it for well over a year after it's release, and now it's my favorite Supergiant game, and really is what solidified me as a Supergiant fan.

  2. My new favorite Supergiant game… and it's basically NBA Jam for geeks. I'm really astonished with how much effort they put into these characters and the world itself, for such a unique and likely very-niche game. I know exactly what you mean by "I won't be able to get it out of my head for a long time". Now I just hope they're willing to put it on Switch (and even mobile).

  3. Uh yes you can. People keep forgetting the amazing Share Play function on the PS4. So many indie local co-op games are perfectly playable online by doing this.

  4. sadly completely forgot by everybody when it comes to game of the year awards… and sales i guess.. really sad, this is a phenomenally creative game

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