Looking back at this, it astounds me that SMT V got an 8/10 and this got a 9.3
November 11th, 2021 1.6m views 29k likes 43k dislikes
Gave smtV an 8 btw
never forget they gave explorers of sky a 4.9
Just let her enjoy the game
reviews like this are why no one respects IGN anymore but to be honest most lost respect a very long time ago. DAMN!
Sir! This Mega-Empire is CRUMBLING!
This is like a civil war right now, or worse, World War Pokémon.
와 ㅋㅋㅋ 리뷰어들 까지도 평점 조작을 한다니 ㅋㅋㅋ 미친거 아닌가?
As someone who may want to buy a Pokémon game but hasn't bought one since blue on my Gameboy colour. What's the best Pokémon game on the switch?
This is the fakest thing I’ve ever seen.
"This is the best Pokemon game I've ever played. And I've played it all" Me: "This is the worst Pokemon game I've ever played. And I've played it all"
I'm going to buy it
1:00 "Over the course of about 40 hours" real funny joke there
"Best pokemon game"
It's even shorter than X & Y
When they give PMD explorers of sky 4.9 while this gets a 9.3.
The main campaign was yet another hand-holdy and forgettable story that we've already seen multiple times
– Many Pokemon were cut, then sold later as DLC (or cut altogether)
– Bare-bones routes that are extremely linear with no sense of exploration at all outside of the Wild Area
– Mandatory EXP share which lead to easy over leveling and 0 challenge
– Non-existent postgame content
– Dynamax is an awful gimmick that will just be scrapped and replaced with the next gen gimmick like Megas and Z-Moves were
– Uninspiring graphics that look more like an up-scaled 3DS game than a console game
Very nice review for a very lazy game.
90% of the hater comments are just people who were still pissy about Dexit.
Sword and Shield was a perfectly fine Pokémon game.
Fun fact: this person's opinion doesnt matter
I'm glad that Pokémon is not becoming worse Edit: Wow, look at the dislikes
Is this sponsored content?
So Oras is worse than sword and shield? This seems very correct and totally not false in everyway possible
I’m kind of confused as to why this has 43k dislikes…
Finally beat this game after putting it down the being too easy. The game isn't balanced at all. Can have over leveled Pokémon and can't turn off exp share. This game is not worth 9 it's more in the range of a 6 out of 10.
Si Yanershock ve esto le da algo.
Not having to push square ice blocks into giant square holes in the ground, was great.
That’s a lie the tutorials take forever. It’s why it is my least favorite game
Used to love ign reviews, but the last 2 years of reviews have almost been a complete joke.
The storyline in itself is a reason not to play this game. Terrible pokemon game
Oh IGN, what have you become ?
Why does IGN review games if they don't like them most of the time?
Game was entertaining, but stagnant at a point. Just routine, would have loved a team rocket, or an organization to fill the gaps. Instead, you just get a guy that wants to save the world by destroying it out of nowhere.??? Literally chasing gym badges and bam that bombshell is dropped on ya with nothing leading up to it, other than vague myths on the sword and shield hero.
Okay personally this game from what I’ve heard is average at best but what makes this so non plausible “one of the best” this person has not played any of the other games have they?
ya but the endgame isnt free like it was in sun and moon
Romance girl
Wow .
Pokemon fans when someone likes gen 8:
Giving MHstories 8 while SNS 9.3? Stop giving us a crap IGN.
What a fuckin joke xD
According to IGN Pokémon is better than the Witcher 3, Bloodborne, Doom Eternal, Doom 2016, and Uncharted 4… very cool IGN very cool
5:48 “Seamlessly” I’m not sure if she has actually played this game
If you actually care about Pokémon and expect at least an average quality game from the highest grossing media franchise in the world then do not listen to this review and do not play sword and shield
The game is fun if you like shitty game
Get some help.
43k dislikes 11/23/21
Looking back at this, it astounds me that SMT V got an 8/10 and this got a 9.3
November 11th, 2021
43k dislikes
Gave smtV an 8 btw
never forget they gave explorers of sky a 4.9
Just let her enjoy the game
reviews like this are why no one respects IGN anymore but to be honest most lost respect a very long time ago. DAMN!
Sir! This Mega-Empire is CRUMBLING!
This is like a civil war right now, or worse, World War Pokémon.
와 ㅋㅋㅋ 리뷰어들 까지도 평점 조작을 한다니 ㅋㅋㅋ 미친거 아닌가?
As someone who may want to buy a Pokémon game but hasn't bought one since blue on my Gameboy colour. What's the best Pokémon game on the switch?
This is the fakest thing I’ve ever seen.
"This is the best Pokemon game I've ever played. And I've played it all"
Me: "This is the worst Pokemon game I've ever played. And I've played it all"
I'm going to buy it
1:00 "Over the course of about 40 hours" real funny joke there
"Best pokemon game"
It's even shorter than X & Y
When they give PMD explorers of sky 4.9 while this gets a 9.3.
The main campaign was yet another hand-holdy and forgettable story that we've already seen multiple times
– Many Pokemon were cut, then sold later as DLC (or cut altogether)
– Bare-bones routes that are extremely linear with no sense of exploration at all outside of the Wild Area
– Mandatory EXP share which lead to easy over leveling and 0 challenge
– Non-existent postgame content
– Dynamax is an awful gimmick that will just be scrapped and replaced with the next gen gimmick like Megas and Z-Moves were
– Uninspiring graphics that look more like an up-scaled 3DS game than a console game
Very nice review for a very lazy game.
90% of the hater comments are just people who were still pissy about Dexit.
Sword and Shield was a perfectly fine Pokémon game.
Fun fact: this person's opinion doesnt matter
I'm glad that Pokémon is not becoming worse
Edit: Wow, look at the dislikes
Is this sponsored content?
So Oras is worse than sword and shield? This seems very correct and totally not false in everyway possible
I’m kind of confused as to why this has 43k dislikes…
Finally beat this game after putting it down the being too easy. The game isn't balanced at all. Can have over leveled Pokémon and can't turn off exp share. This game is not worth 9 it's more in the range of a 6 out of 10.
Si Yanershock ve esto le da algo.
Not having to push square ice blocks into giant square holes in the ground, was great.
That’s a lie the tutorials take forever. It’s why it is my least favorite game
Used to love ign reviews, but the last 2 years of reviews have almost been a complete joke.
The storyline in itself is a reason not to play this game. Terrible pokemon game
Oh IGN, what have you become ?
Why does IGN review games if they don't like them most of the time?
Game was entertaining, but stagnant at a point. Just routine, would have loved a team rocket, or an organization to fill the gaps. Instead, you just get a guy that wants to save the world by destroying it out of nowhere.??? Literally chasing gym badges and bam that bombshell is dropped on ya with nothing leading up to it, other than vague myths on the sword and shield hero.
Okay personally this game from what I’ve heard is average at best but what makes this so non plausible “one of the best” this person has not played any of the other games have they?
ya but the endgame isnt free like it was in sun and moon
Romance girl
Wow .
Pokemon fans when someone likes gen 8:

Giving MHstories 8 while SNS 9.3? Stop giving us a crap IGN.
What a fuckin joke xD
According to IGN Pokémon is better than the Witcher 3, Bloodborne, Doom Eternal, Doom 2016, and Uncharted 4… very cool IGN very cool
I’m not sure if she has actually played this game
If you actually care about Pokémon and expect at least an average quality game from the highest grossing media franchise in the world then do not listen to this review and do not play sword and shield