The iPhone 6 and iOS 8 are both set to release later this year, and with an iWatch also on the cards, Apple is going big in 2014. Here’s what you can expect from …
The iPhone 6 and iOS 8 are both set to release later this year, and with an iWatch also on the cards, Apple is going big in 2014. Here’s what you can expect from …
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What you think iOS has in stock? That's when I switched off…
Apple can't beat samsung galaxy
Can't wait to see the iWatch
Download now on the App Store, the new 1000 fitness App downloads in a week. Get fit for summer, winter, spring finally get fit.
looking forward to feel it by holding in my hands.
Two guys from a local homeless shelter chat about tech.
Cant wait for the iphone 6
If they make it circular, iwatch will kill it
It's not a "remake", but they add some new features
Feeling excited…!!
I don't know why HTC is making a plastic version of the One M8. If it's price, in Canada, the M8 is slightly cheaper than the S5. No one who buys the S5 buys it BECAUSE it's plastic or because of the way it looks, we buy it because of the specs and features.
I wouldn't say that keeping the megapixels low is a bad thing but I definitely wouldn't say it's something to be glad about. I would agree though that increasing the megapixel count just for the sake of it without improving other aspects of the camera is no good. I would almost say that the megapixels are the last thing you should change once the groundwork has been laid.
4.5" is a good screen size. I have a Galaxy S5, and I have to stretch sometimes. I'm not complaining, but I would say 4.5" was the sweet spot.
8mgp wtf
they're accents are so dam annoying i can't hear my self think!!!!
I phone 6
I phone 6
i dont think apple will change it design, but colour also can make people happy, the design must be same but the perfomance will be enhance. because the rectangle is simply design for phone nowadays. everyone want bigger screen. but it is reliable? the phone must be handy to put in pocket and hold. the big one make apple look try to copy other phone with some bigger screen. i think iphone will come with retina display thats all.
Damn so this phone wont come out on virgin mobile until late October or November -_-
Nooooossaaaa muinto loko…
3:02 at the first iPhone is that tobuscus????
I really think the apple needs to be careful with this alleged "curved design" htc and other phones have been doing this for a while. although it is true that the iphones before iphone 4 always had a curved back chase i think they need to stick with the more industrial, straight-forward yet comfortable design they've been using lately. too much of a dramatic change can veer customers away and they need to be careful of that. some of the designs in this video show perfectly how the iphone 6 "curve design" should look or at least be similar. a simple slight curve like the iphone 5c is not enough to make much of a difference, but with the hopeful slimmer design the curve should be even less of what is seen on the iphone 5c. a full curved backing of the iphone 6 seems a bit much. if the edges where just slightly surved it could actually attrack customers from other marketers. many people see the iphone as an "uncomfortable straightness" and while they believe that, they continue to point towards different companies. i believe all in all apple needs to be subtle with this curvature depending on how slim they are making the iphone 6. if no change at all will be made in the thinness of the phone then they should curve the edges just a tad more than seen on the iphone 5c. slimmer design = less curvature. be careful apple.
I think apple should put cydia on iphone 6
Does anyone know if the iPhone 6 will keep it's touch unlock ?
Anything to improve the notoriously bad battery life apple? Guess not. Get back to basics
It's fake people because it's 3 g look closely
You sound EXACTLY like Harry Potter! lol
Best phone to get is htc one m8
How much will the iphone 6 be for 16g 32g or the 64g. Hopefully they cost about the same as the iphone5 cause im planning to get one next year and its too pricey than my parents womt get me one but if the iPhone 6 32g is 299$ then I will get one. Hopefully it's the same as the iphone 5s. What do u think
Why are we okay with apple dropping a new iPhone every year? Why are people supporting this? They are fucking you in the ass with no lubrication and your okay with that?
gonna be the best SMARTPHONE OF THE YEAR!!
Go Apple
Hey why not make it waterproof or atleast water resistant
I chose apple iphones because it has a simple design but yet it looks high class…just hope they dont do something idiotic such as raising the price or changing the design too durasticly.
crossing my fingers
iOS 7 is sucks and ugly
I agree that iOS 7 looks cartoonish
Will iphone 6 be announced this week at WWDC 2014 or is it just for software
ios 8 is going to look just like ios 7,6,5,4,3,2,1 they all look the same just a bunch of apps on the screen i had iphone hated it boring cant do anything
oh the silly fun of questioning iOS 8 and yosemite before WWDC!
Why is Apple receiving all the credit on features that have already been on Android? Google needs to just sue them already…
It's not a big difference of IOS 7 and IOS 8
Haha whats a wumour? Learn how to speak white boy.
LOL … they never announced the iPhone 6 or iWatch. Whats with that!

Oh well….