The iconic RPG franchise has been going strong for decades without ever becoming stale or boring. Nintendo has somehow managed to keep the magic going, …
The iconic RPG franchise has been going strong for decades without ever becoming stale or boring. Nintendo has somehow managed to keep the magic going, …
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No way this zelda is better than ocarina of time
Cant get that dam spin button on the logs to work

funny how this game came out exactly a week after skyrim and feels 10 years behind.
There they go again, ignoring the controls
Skyward Sword is, for me, the second greatest Zelda game, just behind Breath of the Wild.
This was when IGN were still a gaming website. Not a mob of social justice activists.
Just looking at this review it is pretty helpful. Probably will snag the HD one why not
. Game of the ages.
They gave the remaster a 7 but this is a 10… what?
giving this game a perfect score back then was one of the dumbest things ign has ever done
Gives a 10/10
remake comes out and is slightly better
mmmmmmmmmmmm 8 out of 10
pov: you've come to see how much ign contradicted themselves
So who's here after they just rated the BETTER version of the game a lower score
How can they give the original game a ten when the SAME GAME with updated graphics gets an eight?
POV: your watching this after ign uploads their Hd review of skyward sword
They couldn't make the gameplay like the wind waker? Japanese developers are real forgetful when it comes to their own games and the features in that game.
It's crazy how much can change in a decade. A lot of the pros in this review for this game will be seen as cons now in the Switch port. Lol
This review haven't old well.
The worst game review I've ever seen. Dude says "charming" 3 times in the first segment and he was an executive editor. IGN had impossibly low standards when this game came out.
So its being re reviews on switch huh nani?
"Motion control is the future of Zelda" aged like Milk.
Definitely not feeling those Rygar Graphics; They will Never top the Original on The NES!

"Best Zelda game ever created". This review was one of IGN's low points. For me SS was the worst game in the series, after a constant decline after OoT and MM. And I'd prefer a simple port of the latter games for Switch over a HD remake of this lousy game.
It’s hilarious how Gamespot were the only ones who dared to mildly criticise this mediocre game the first time around and they got heavily dunked on for it. And now thanks to gamers and journalists alike, Nintendo are getting away with selling it again at full price
Ocarina of Time. Now that’s the best game ever created
Skyward sword is hands down the best Zelda title ever created…
Yikes, that didn't hold up then and it sure as hell doesn't hold up now lol
Did he really say the best zelda is this nah oot
“The greatest Zelda game ever?”
Man, this game had some of the best dungeons in a Zelda game!
The greatest Zelda ever created.
Yeah chief, that's gonna be a hard no.
Crappy game for 60$
Still probably the worst Zelda title to ever exist…