'Happiness and sadness always coexist': Ai Weiwei's first virtual reality artwork Omni
Omni fuses together two films the artist has made, immersing viewers in a jungle full of elephants first and then in a refugee camp in Bangladesh. ‘I feel a lot of …
Votre humanité est belle à voir. bravo it's a profoundly humane experience. I salute you
Masterpiece! Love when the kids and the elephants go round and round!
this looks to me like the chupacabra ancestor..maybe came over to America…thru Ellis Island
хорошое видео снимите еще с животными
Very interesting 👍✅
What a waste if time. The poor elephants are chained and ridden which shouldn't be allowed. I was expecting see elephants roaming free!
Absolutely disgusting what is going on.
@Guardian Culture
wrong , your ignorance is dangerous , see , this is the basic of the mechanism of attraction: if you convince yourself that love and sadness will always be related and will always coexist then that's exactly what you will get , in truth , happiness will finally erase sadness once and for all , and if you don't like this to happen it mean that you need to be destroyed with sadness too
In a balanced life , that may be true.
how can athe balance be corrected when it tips the scale so. Like an object of great mass was used on an inferior unit of measure. It matters not apparently.
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=mwMmq8Wg1A8&feature=youtu.be amanzing ❤
happiness and sadness always coexist nice video my friend
Just piss poor camera work. Looks like security footage.
People are the worst that could happen to earth.
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No woman deserve to be cheated on by her hubby especially when you work so hard to make your hubby & kids happy. i decided to hire a hacker who a friend introduced to me so i will get to know what my hubby is doing since i'm not always around .. i discovered my hubby was cheating on me & that lead to divorced…I recommend this great hacker to anyone who is in same condition as me ..Hacker's email (cyberhack037@gmail.com).
Are you guys I treated in working with new artists?
Nice video!604
>"Happiness and sadness always coexist."
Smells like Freemason BS to me, fam. Hard pass for me.
on this is awful tbh
Why are we virtually looking for alternatives since we knew that things breaks down
Another great interview with Ai Weiwei here: https://youtu.be/25RoF4Bm8rA?t=64
How many animals USA slaughter in every second ? Why in europe hunting is still legal ? why we hv zoo in all over the world ? So u can pet dogs knowing that they r absolutely useless but these ppl cant hv useful elephants what a justice. U can chain a dog but we cant chain an elephant .u can pet dog,snake,rat,cat,owl, crocodile but we cant hv elephants … Hippocratic West
I thought this was a video from Ali Weisel. What a disappointment to sit and watch the same screen for 15 minutes
It is the worst, most pernicious lie that happiness must coexist with sadness. There IS such a thing as unalloyed happiness.
p00p h0le
Chained…virtual cruelity
Art ? As in the meaning : artists are the conscience of the society ?
May all Elephants be free from suffering
Out the left eye in the right. U see
https://youtu.be/bR1PFxQ38a0?t=853 What Is Wrong With White Women?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bR1PFxQ38a0 Way of the World 103.000 Abo
The ladder of success rests upon the wall of failure.–Ancient Chinese Proverb