Bitcoin: Be Realistic

Bitcoin: Be Realistic

Please be realistic with your expectations and do not take short-term price predictions to the bank. I guarantee you no one is going to cash that in. Premium List …


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About the Author: Benjamin Cowen


  1. Just found your channel.
    Absolutely spot on, I try to block out the narrative of huge expectations . Having dry powder ready for these 25% -30% dips is my strategy. Facts , not narrative .

  2. btc确实是未来一个投资很有前景的加密数字货币,在我接触BTC的一年多从1.5个BTC变成了现在的8.3个BTC

  3. Keep talking about this Ben! Spread it to the masses! I want my bullishness to be contrarian. That fear and greed index reset down to 34…oh yeah! Scare everyone away!

  4. Thanks very much for such and honest and realistic statement – I enjoy such down to earth explanations. I agree if we are pleasantly surprised with a parabolic rise and will take profits at that stage, like any sensible person would.

  5. Some TA analysis out there are simply finding common denominators in different cycles until new (cycle) patterns emerge to invalidate those beliefs. Diamond hands and BTFD solves all problems.

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