Battlefield 2042 Review by Stella Chung on PC. Also available on Xbox and PlayStation. Battlefield 2042 tries to do a lot, but only some of its experiments are …
Battlefield 2042 Review by Stella Chung on PC. Also available on Xbox and PlayStation. Battlefield 2042 tries to do a lot, but only some of its experiments are …
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she must of been sponsed by COD instead
Are ign hiding dislikes?
0.1 /10 u b*tch not 7 , put ur glasses on wtf
Always Se7en
Whats the reason for no scoreboard?
another review done on a high end pc. bit biased tbh
It's shite
The problem with the gaming industry is people preordering games that are unfinished, buggy, glitches messes at launch. If you didn't hand over your money so blindly developers would be forced to release working games as intended.
4:56 why compare to free to play games?
Watch Angry joes review for something a bit more honest.
7 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Just one of those days when you lose a tiny bit more of respect towards IGN…
Look how they massacred my boy.🥺
Like people have never played battlefield at lunch before. So far this is the smoothest launch ever.
"Whether hell or heaven, give it a seven."
-Sun Tzu, The Art of War
Another softball from IGN yet again. Be real guys for once please!
it would be great to have the option of playing not only squads but also solo in hazard zone
It seems that times are changing, and so are editorial standards.
THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO IGN Seven shall be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shall be seven. Eight shalt thou not count, neither count thou six, excepting that thou then proceed to seven. Nine is right out. Once the number seven, being the seventh number, be reached, then writest thou thy review
A 7 from ign might as well be a 1
3.1k Likes compared to 3.6k Dislikes
Who the hell is liking this "Review"
seriously 7 it should be 4 or 5 . UI is making me go mad
battlefield 2042 ? more like battlefield 2077
7? really ?????????? IGN just go and see Angry joe Show……his Battlefield 2042 – Angry Rant! THATS A LEGIT REVIEW
Fun fact:
4 player squads are far too small for 64 player teams and these massive maps