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About the Author: colteastwood


  1. I think to evolve Forza Motorsport turn 10 need to lean hard into user created content so lean into that hard
    give gamers the ability to create their own tracks give gamers the ability to not just customize cars create their own cars using all the high level physics and models that the game's going to be using aerodynamics taking everything into account make a car so they can kind of see what it takes to actually make a supercar considering power to weight ratio and stuff like that

  2. Thinking Xbox lacking VR/hesitating supporting 3rd party VR on Xbox, is somewhat of a miss with their Forza-series and Flightsim titles. just imangine those games in VR !!! MS are sitting on some of the biggest titles there is in the genres where VR would be beneficial… I wouldnt try any other "vr title" what so ever, but if they did a VR with Forza support, i would be there day 1 !!! a huge miss IMHO

  3. I have no problem with early access for FH5 or most games BUT if Xbox have early access on Halo they will unleash an EPIC of epic proportion SHITSTORM that will cause untold damage to the Xbox brand. DONT DO IT Microsoft Halo NEEDSto be released to ALL on DAY & DATE…..

  4. COLT!! Glad to hear Delisting/License talk, FH5 is missing some manufacturers like Abarth, Alfa Romeo, etc. Kinda feel like they saw what Mitsubishi and Toyota did in past FH games and now holding out for better deals.

  5. With regards to the downplaying of racer games it is probably due to "moving parts". Animating a car would be far easier than animating a living character with clothes, fur, or any other element involved in the character model. Then you have the improvement in combat, agility etc. Racing games it's harder to see these improvements except graphics and menu navigation.

  6. Gaz needs to be on the show all the time. I really enjoy Colt's videos and have for years, but he is too timid and PC to do some of these interviews because is more concerned with hurting feelings or upsetting his guest.

    Gaz on the other hand pushed his question and point without coming across belligerent or rude like a real Journalist. It makes a great dynamic atmosphere on the show.

  7. Did anyone else notice your new controller shelf?
    And Luke’s collection was cool especially the tv car shelf with startsky and hutch the general Lee and I think the black one was k.i.t.t as well as all the other collectibles

  8. There are cheats on the leaderboard already (PC guys)
    One timed Trailblazer starts with 60 seconds……a guy completed it with 68 seconds left and is top….seriously…

  9. Fh 5 is great but I wouldn't mind a zombie apocalypse event where you just run over zambies and mod your vehicle with chainsaws and snow plows. Other than that 100% game of the year.

  10. Game pass ultimate is $180 a year if you keep your subscription rolling at full price. Games are not free. That's why games shouldn't be advertised as "day and date" if they aren't actually, in my opinion. That being said game pass will continue becoming a better and better value going forward and I'm a big fan of it.

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