Subscribe to our channel!, Watch these doctors use virtual reality headsets on children to help vaccinate them in two videos from 2018 and …
Using virtual thing to trick child to get vaccinated!? That is horrifying
Paid actors?
People who voted for Biden should not have a right to complain and protest you picked That monster
They making robots. Welcome Orville's era. Let's go Brandon!
Dragons, eh?
I put my faith in my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, not the government! God IS in control!
Didn't they do this in Soylent Green?
I can’t believe this is real
these people will tell you religion is harmful because its fake.
I've seen this! Total Recall with Arnold Schwarzenegger right?
Child abuse!!
This is horrifying
sick bastards
The cringy thing is the blue dragon says "I hope to see you again soon." For what, boosters?
I don't blame black Americans for not trusting this vaccine. I mean the American government has never really shown any concern for them. The syphilis experiment, slavery, Jim Crow, removing fathers from homes, funding the black genocide machine known as Planned Parenthood, unending string of broken promises, and so on.
And this is why Facebook is introducing the Metaverse
I thought alcohol and cigarettes were banned from advertising to kids. This is basically the same thing.
Freaking creepy
This is disgusting behaviour trying to brainwash innocent children
Black mirror is now a reality, congratulations.
clockwork orange
Anyone looked into Optogenetics , if not i advise you to !!
Do they have one of these we can use to make it look like theres a real president in office?
One thing humans are good at is making certain dystopian realities come true.
Using virtual thing to trick child to get vaccinated!? That is horrifying
Paid actors?
People who voted for Biden should not have a right to complain and protest you picked That monster
They making robots. Welcome Orville's era. Let's go Brandon!
Dragons, eh?
I put my faith in my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, not the government! God IS in control!
Didn't they do this in Soylent Green?
I can’t believe this is real
these people will tell you religion is harmful because its fake.
I've seen this! Total Recall with Arnold Schwarzenegger right?
Child abuse!!

This is horrifying
sick bastards
The cringy thing is the blue dragon says "I hope to see you again soon." For what, boosters?
I don't blame black Americans for not trusting this vaccine. I mean the American government has never really shown any concern for them. The syphilis experiment, slavery, Jim Crow, removing fathers from homes, funding the black genocide machine known as Planned Parenthood, unending string of broken promises, and so on.
And this is why Facebook is introducing the Metaverse
I thought alcohol and cigarettes were banned from advertising to kids. This is basically the same thing.
Freaking creepy
This is disgusting
behaviour trying to brainwash innocent children
Black mirror is now a reality, congratulations.
clockwork orange
Anyone looked into Optogenetics , if not i advise you to !!
Do they have one of these we can use to make it look like theres a real president in office?
One thing humans are good at is making certain dystopian realities come true.
I wish I was a kid