Chinese drones are falling from the sky. Chinese realtors are going broke. But Xi Jinping is only concerned about his expansionist mission in Taiwan.
Chinese drones are falling from the sky. Chinese realtors are going broke. But Xi Jinping is only concerned about his expansionist mission in Taiwan.
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Any excuse to take a stab at China, China is far ahead technically and militarily and it scares India. Facts
Almost everyday you channel talk negative about china/USA/Europe while on the other hand it PRAISES INDIAN GOVERNMENT.
90% of your news are all about china, at first i was very happy to find this channel bcoz i thought it might have true news or telling us the truth we are missing, BUT now i think it's all about media attack on china (without considering whether the news is legit or not)
As always, people can see clearly others weakness, as a good news…
Wonder what happened next to the drone’s operationalist!
2025 is A LOT OF TIME
Biden spews garbage. You can't trust a prearranged word from his mouth
lots of sensationalized bullshit, unlike the entertainment seen on the flowapowa42o show
It's raining drones! Hallelujah! It's raining drones!
– new girl band song
What kind of news you discussing… such a shit
I like the way she dose her numbers.
Thay will invade before 2025…before austrailia gets subs.
There is 64 million vacant homes only 20 percent finished….
Baiden and China have secret Taiwan agreement .
Biden talking about the Taiwan agreement, was that another thing he shouldn't have revealed like the best voting fraud team !!!
and the citizen should pay for the drone because it crahs or they will be dead
I heard this Lady she sounds like CNN for USA she for India disinformation wing of the government
All this economic envy is so obvious.
if i was taiwan once we (hopefully) defeat china they would start invading china. all the countries helping taiwan would help and invade and take back china
I wonder if the guy with the remote disappeared afterwards.
That's practicing for Taiwan, I think is time for Taiwan and the rest of the S.W.A.T../ or QUAD..whatever you know let get it on I really think XI Jinping regime is not going to back him up cause that PLA is all one mother's kids is going be a slaughterhouse Taiwan is going to be The Great Black Leopard of the shadows of the old warriors go for it,Shit I call is bluff just lock Milley and the other general's so they won't call China
Sound like a plan soldier, Man if I was the president what it would have being over look no energy, dept crisis ,don't doubt if they pocketing $$$ ..Yes I think is time to use hardcore diplomacy..Hey I'm just saying..
Biden will invade Taiwan, as ordered by China, and the US will hand Taiwan to China.
Trump surrendered America to China in Nov 2020. Trump is a traitor.
This lady seems to be obsessed with china
China wants control of all the semi conducter chips made in Taiwan. They will take it by subversion.
Peace from Denmark
India mein isse bade bade defAulters hein
IL&FS for eg , yet our sensex is reaching new highs
China "EARNS" Money.*
Enabling – Responsible –
"Joint Families."
WEST – makes
Random –
" paper money"
as to – " Smart Life "
Leading to – "Singles."
Hi Mi-
Cheers. *
Whoever was in charge of that show is definitely disappeared by now.
I don't know what moral high ground indians possess to correct politically someone.
how come India has constantly lost over the years the face off over the sino-indian border? I wonder if its because of those chinese drones
Spider-Man Far from Home post credit scenes leaked.
how stupid news this is. lol
Biden is soooo naive