Today I want to talk about Bitcoin’s most bullish month, November. What is in store for BTC in Moonvember? I Am George NFTs: Buy …
Bruh love your stream but please redo or get rid of that intro, looks really tacky
November 2021 is mutually exclusive
What about the greed? Normaly it will go down the bigger the greed, right?
Do your research before spreading more fud did about OlympusDao. Very disappointed with the lack of research done before speaking to your audience…
Welcome to the boomtown
skip bear this year
New intro
Hi George, please issue a correction in your next vid. Olympus was not rug pulled and please read the headlines more carefully next time when saying something that could adversely incorrectly affect your viewing audience.
Ada moves like a vette. Lol
Goku Inu is the next shib
Bitcoins days are numbered
I hate the lil kid voice in the beginning lol sounds like a little kids show intro
(3-5 min) November 2021 shouldn't be on that chart as a green data point when we're barely hours into the month. It should be another color to represent that it's in motion and not an established value like the other past data point months.
PlanB has called the 3% off-target mark a “rounding error,” but which is “close enough” for him to stick with his next targets of more than $98k for November and $135k for December. Another f'n narcissist who can't admit he was wrong.
Anchor protocol is paying nearly 20% on ust stable coin..
Olympus was not rug pulled
I expect BTC to reach 385.000 mit Nowember
When floki Inu ?
In Georgia the country, 7/10 men are named George….for real.
it was a fork of olympus called AnubisDAO that rugged for $57million.
Lol at squid game. Watched Kevin's video on it a few days ago. So many red flags
George is moonboy of all moonboys! Liking the optimism. I think BTC will clear 70k by eoy. Not convinced it will hit 100k yet but if the lengthening cycles stays true we could still peak early 2022 and clear the 100k mark.
I hope so George! Michael Saylor and I are counting on it! Lol
You look like the moon bro
I think Olympus Dao is fine it's the fork of olympus dao, AnubisDao, that rug pulled
Moonvember started like shitvember. Too leverage?
Hey George. What are your thoughts on the project ANKR?
Converted my BTC to Evergrow Coin last week, tripled it..bought back BTC. AND got BUSD reflection $. Moon? 30 days old
Bruh love your stream but please redo or get rid of that intro, looks really tacky
November 2021 is mutually exclusive
What about the greed? Normaly it will go down the bigger the greed, right?
Do your research before spreading more fud did about OlympusDao. Very disappointed with the lack of research done before speaking to your audience…
Welcome to the boomtown
skip bear this year
New intro

Hi George, please issue a correction in your next vid. Olympus was not rug pulled and please read the headlines more carefully next time when saying something that could adversely incorrectly affect your viewing audience.
Ada moves like a vette. Lol
Goku Inu is the next shib
Bitcoins days are numbered
I hate the lil kid voice in the beginning lol sounds like a little kids show intro
(3-5 min) November 2021 shouldn't be on that chart as a green data point when we're barely hours into the month. It should be another color to represent that it's in motion and not an established value like the other past data point months.
PlanB has called the 3% off-target mark a “rounding error,” but which is “close enough” for him to stick with his next targets of more than $98k for November and $135k for December. Another f'n narcissist who can't admit he was wrong.
Anchor protocol is paying nearly 20% on ust stable coin..
Olympus was not rug pulled
I expect BTC to reach 385.000 mit Nowember
When floki Inu ?
In Georgia the country, 7/10 men are named George….for real.
it was a fork of olympus called AnubisDAO that rugged for $57million.
Lol at squid game. Watched Kevin's video on it a few days ago. So many red flags
George is moonboy of all moonboys! Liking the optimism. I think BTC will clear 70k by eoy. Not convinced it will hit 100k yet but if the lengthening cycles stays true we could still peak early 2022 and clear the 100k mark.
I hope so George! Michael Saylor and I are counting on it! Lol
You look like the moon bro
I think Olympus Dao is fine it's the fork of olympus dao, AnubisDao, that rug pulled
Moonvember started like shitvember. Too leverage?
Hey George. What are your thoughts on the project ANKR?
Converted my BTC to Evergrow Coin last week, tripled it..bought back BTC. AND got BUSD reflection $. Moon? 30 days old
love the intro