A new State of Play live stream arrives this October 27! Sony PlayStation we’ll be focusing on announcements and updates for upcoming third-party releases …
A new State of Play live stream arrives this October 27! Sony PlayStation we’ll be focusing on announcements and updates for upcoming third-party releases …
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6:49 security breach fnaf trailer
Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth, the Life. No one comes to the Father except through Him. There is no other intermediary. May Jesus Bless you, trust Him, give him your life – and He will take care of it :pray Convert yourself and believe in the Gospel:*<3
Worst State of Play, PShit Plus and PShit NOWhere… Yeah that's Western Incompetent Sony for yah.
this is so exciting lots of new games
1 hour of talking
20 mins of garbage
there is nothing to play on ps5 atm … wtf
Star ocean but no legend of dragoon
Whats the song during king of fighters
Ofk another kids new generation game
Deathverse for kids
HOW ABOUT A STATE OF PLAY WITH LEGEND OF DRAGOON REMAKE ANNOUNCEMENT 28000 and counting on the lod remake we need everybody lets make it happen bluepoint games if justice.can so can we
Not even gotham knights not even Spiderman 2 or Marvels avengers spiderman DLC this was the absolute worse
State of disappointment’s
The next gen should've been delayed another year
"Shatter all expectations"
wanna throw up.
Sony execs just showing how disconnected they are from the actual people who play games.
We do not need multiple state's of play for these tiny games
this was horrible
State of meh!
Guardians of the Galaxy should be renamed to Game on Rails, impossible to fail
Capital L
The absolute state of Playstation…
Total waste of time, was absolutely rubbish!
Worst state of play of all time that was dreadful!!!!!
What a waste of time
It's sad when an underwhelming Star Ocean trailer is the highlight of the State of Play.
What a pile of straight to tablet garbage.
Worst state of play so far
A new star ocean, here is my money! Sony!!
Death's Door and more Little Devil Inside. LDI lookin better and better… annnnnd I'm out of positive comments. Wasn't expecting much of anything and somehow still disappointed.
Xbox is destroying sony.
Hahahahahah @ Stinking Sony for losing Holiday 2021 to HALO and FORZA !!!! junk box ps5.hahahah
When next gen looks like games from 2001
“Hey fnaf fans, we’ve got a security breach”
screaming intensifies
Considering series x now.. I'm not missing out much on ps5
Everyone’s talking about being disappointed but are any of my fellow fnaf fans absolutely screaming with excitement in the corner?
Gimme Bloodborne 2