ESPN’s Phil Murphy and Emily Rand break down the latest moves in the League of Legends power rankings for this week. For the full list of Power Rankings: …
ESPN’s Phil Murphy and Emily Rand break down the latest moves in the League of Legends power rankings for this week. For the full list of Power Rankings: …
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Im out of the scene for some time, what happened to fnatic? They were second last world league.
So, no Fnatic?
The only thing I agree with this list is that if anyone was to beat GRF at an international tournament, it will HAVE to be one of the LPL teams. Don't see how NA or EU even gets close to beating GRF. And I'm from NA btw
Worst list ever
Why is a garbage team like Liquid an alternative instead of SKT?
Not sure if I would put RNG over SKT T1 or G2 at that point.
2. TOP
3. FPX
4. IG
G2 took the best EU players and put them in 1 team taking caps the best mid laner and keeping PERKZ so there is nobody to truly challenge caps in the mid lane basically and G2 don't win games through Marcos its through individual performance, TL took 2 imports in past world champions (as NA do) the best NA adc and jungler and a contestant for first best NA mid laner, by this I'm saying taking all the good players is not leaving ANY real competition in those regions those rosters were specifically made for international performance.
LPL has a wide range of talent all over the region allowing there to be many Chinese teams to compete against each other therefore it is not just 1 team steam rolling past the others not even needing to take the games seriously
Complete bullshit.
How the hell can you put FOUR LPL teams in the global 5. This list is a biased joke. SKT is somewhere 4-5 and TOP AND RNG do not belong there in the top 5
Chovy is a beast, don't get me wrong, but Tarzan is the heart of the team.
So bad ..dont trust those rankings are pretty bad…LPL is playing couple of patches behind korea eu and na..they still rushing stormrazor first on kaisa.ok they are good but dont compare them to SKT GRF FNC G2 VIT TL TSM
RNG lost 3-2 vs g2 at worlds, rng still has the same lineup while g2 has much much stronger lineup now and looks much stronger overall. How can you put RNG there instead of g2?
9.2 patch in LPL while other regions using 9.4 and still put 4 teams from LpL

should've replaced Suning with EDG or DWG
You know the list is worthless when RNG and TOP are above Sandbox and SKT. LPL bias is strong with this one.
These powerrankings are litherally retarded
The amount of LPL is absurd seriously 4 teams ??? Yeah numbers maybe in their favor but in a league that has the greatest difference in team strength you’d get that. Really bias list.
Just wait and skt will hunt you for not putting them in there
shes terrible lol
I would take SKT above RNG anytime
League on Lock>this shit
There is a strong argument in putting g2 above rng and perhaps top they have played multiple styles, have veteran players, insane individual skills and are dominating EU which has always been a top 3 region at least so i would disagree with not putting g2 higher up but i guess the loss to sk and og killed the hype for analysts a bit especially regarding the fact that it is highely unlikely any of the top 5 teams in this list would have lost a b01 to sk gaming
The team represents LPL for msi is so unpredictable. LCK Griffin, NA TL, and EU G2. The only team that is capable of beating Griffin is the best LPL team.
How about you stop going with the narrative that all these LPL teams are amazing when teams like G2 and TL are crushing their regions pretty hard
GRF is Tarzan btw.
Well.Top ranking from LEC that has a 12-2 score and Top ranking from LCS that has a 11-1 score doesnt even in the top 5