Cyberpunk 2077 PC Review (With New Gameplay)

Cyberpunk 2077 PC Review (With New Gameplay)

Cyberpunk 2077 reviewed by Tom Marks on the PC version, now with new gameplay footage. Due to CD Projekt Red’s pre-release restrictions, our original …


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About the Author: IGN


  1. This second version of our Cyberpunk 2077 review is identical in content to the original, but uses our own gameplay footage that more closely represents the experience we had while playing instead of the trailers we were limited to by CD Projekt Red pre-release restrictions.

  2. Gives this game and ori and the will of the wisps the same score.. ign is a joke.. ori should have gotten a 9.5-10 and cyberpunk should have gotten a 6-7 at best

  3. Here is the thing…this game unfortunately is not for everyone the amount of depth in it can't be easily seen for me it's a 9.5 or 9 due to the bugs…but the way it plays and the choice of making it first person makes it one of the best rpgs i've ever played but it needs time and you need to invest in the game and when you do that a true masterpiece is revealed…thank you for this review it is more accurate than it seems.

  4. Coming back to this review, I'm still shocked at how IGN gave this a 9, considering not just the bugs, glitches and performance, but how dead barren the city is and the now empty promise CD Projekt Red have us, where your choices and decisions matter.
    10/10, perfect game

  5. This game is unpolished, glitchy, missing a ton of promised features such as the advanced AI with daily routines, and frustratingly buggy. But it was made from the people who made the Witcher 3 so it gets a 9/10

  6. It's hard ay because played on the right console with the bugs fixed this game borders on a masterpiece in my opinion. How much should u punish a games rating because it was released early.

  7. Miss leading review:

    Unexpected mission pops up every time: false, nothing exciting about it.

    Dialogues have a massive impact on the story: false, a few mission dialogues have an impact on the story, specifically the last few.

    You can complete the game without buying abilities or cyber ware because you don't need any.

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