Install Raid for Free ✓ IOS/ANDROID/PC: https://clcr.me/YoufactTech_RSL and get a special starter pack Available only for the next 30 days Hey guys!
Install Raid for Free ✓ IOS/ANDROID/PC: https://clcr.me/YoufactTech_RSL and get a special starter pack Available only for the next 30 days Hey guys!
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Attack on titan and other anime gadgets please and I REALLY LOVE YOUR VIDEO'S MAN
I love the princker!
I was going to ask why you would need a watch to tell you whether it’s day or night, but I suppose if you are living in nuclear winter it’s always night. But it will be important to change that oil every 3000 miles. I hope it doesn’t run in batteries.
This is like the second or third video talking about the pip-boy STOP !! the pip-boy noone can buy his brand new so please putting up items NOONE even buy !!!
Reposting an old vid?
I love your videos dude
old content
You guaranteed own none of these products you just show the sample videos. This channel is probably paid out by the products and this is just ads considering you read off the product page. Bro delete the channel you clown
Install Raid for Free
IOS/ANDROID/PC: https://clcr.me/YoufactTech_RSL and get a special starter pack
Available only for the next 30 days
a clip show episode
The Lifesaver is awesome. At first thought it was a different lifesaver
. Thanks for always bringing these cool gadgets man you rock 
I wish I could get the pillbug spinner.
God said dont mark up the skin
.40 mins so is that what rapers and thugs are using to tattoo their faces ? Sure looks like it ?
Most of these BS is junk! Dude!
Just take my money I'll take three of everything
This channel seems to have an unhealthy fetish with fidget spinners
Puzzle toy gadgets pls
instant photo printer that you have linked is NOT available in any color.
What I s the link for the totanium spinner?
Lol what w
would need safe nuke …
Anyone know where I can buy the pillbugs fidget
So out of video ideas?
Again same link to the fidget spinner that never works and pointing to a wrong link. Pls post the right link. Only this fidget I had trouble everything else is working
Seriously?!? You and that damn watch, A. At its cheapest it $451,000 B. There’s between 2 and 10 watches total… in the world… you want one, go find someone who has one and try and buy it from them
I Like your video.
No link to the pillbugs? C'mon…. The one thing I wanted in this video
I like the life saber…