Creating NEW ELEMENTAL MEESEEKS In VIRTUAL REALITY ProjectJamesify — October 13, 2021 32 comments Tweet on Twitter Share on Facebook Google+ Pinterest Creating New Elemental Meeseeks in Virtual Reality! ▷JOIN AS A MEMBER! TAP ▷MY SECOND CHANNEL … source Funny game Gameplay gaming jamesify projectjamesify rick and morty virutal reality rick and morty VR Rick and Morty: Virtual Rick-ality Video Game Virtual Reality vr Tweet on Twitter Share on Facebook Google+ Pinterest
thars not 4 new ones thars 5 new one becuse of the new multicrystal taht you have not seen till now :)))))
Now you should combine the new crystals to make maybe another Crystal to make more it will be pretty cool
I’m a big fan of your videos I hope you do another video this but I don’t have a headset so I can’t do it I hope I get one for Christmas
Which of these NEW Elemental Meeseeks is YOUR favorite?
the ghost and the lightning
thars not 4 new ones thars 5 new one becuse of the new multicrystal taht you have not seen till now
actually plasma isn't an element it's just a state of matter bruh james
yashi ugli
Try mixing all the new elements
The electric is Picachu
Now you should combine the new crystals to make maybe another Crystal to make more it will be pretty cool
What happens if you combine a with a Nother crystal
James: Hes a ghost ok?
Me: No hes an among us
Combine The Multi Crystal with the new element crystals
It’s called air
Mix all of them
Elam mint of poison
My favorite is the ghost one
I’m a big fan of your videos I hope you do another video this but I don’t have a headset so I can’t do it I hope I get one for Christmas
My favourite is the ghost
Combine all of them and a multi Crystal together let’s see what happens
whats the ghost
Gost boo