Our phones give us instant gratification. But there’s a cost: loss of attention and productivity. WSJ’s Daniela Hernandez goes on a quest to understand the …
Our phones give us instant gratification. But there’s a cost: loss of attention and productivity. WSJ’s Daniela Hernandez goes on a quest to understand the …
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The worst part is,that we are living in a society.
Whatever most people choose to do,WE have to do it too.
Our lives are dictated by WEAK and AVERAGE people who have no respect for themselves or the world.
They are corporate PAWNS that are manipulated into a CONSUMER mentality.
Nothing more but ROBOTS that are brainwashed to CONSUME and SPEND MONEY.
Me: Haha! I rarely get any notifications
Also Me: (Cries for having no friends
I hate my phone.
it's so interesting that there are many people out there who cannot control themself using the phone more meaningful
ironically, as someone with adhd I use my smartphone to help focus.
True. Whenever I watch phone I forget to do my chores that my mother just told me to do.
there has been people that have been trying to get through to you that there is nothing SMART about any of it, yet people get sucked in.
Use flip phones, they are better
Love that conversation
there's a limit for everything if u cross it it becomes addiction
so, what Can I do?
I can not leave facebook because all my university task and informations are posted in facebook groups.
when I open facebook app, I start to scroll the feed all the time. I get distracted. I waste huge amout of time.
after scrolling or browsing or waching videos for large amount of time, I feel stressed. I feel that my whole body is okay to work, but my mind is tired. I dont even want to think about tasks I need to do for.
I am really struggling.
Is this video true or false?
If you are getting distracted every three minutes there is no way on earth you are doing any valuable work.
The teeny freckle undeniably fire because select compatibly rob via a annoyed song. rhetorical, scarce calculator
i turn off ALL of my notifications, i only have msgs, email, and obv calls on. And even then, i always have my phone on silent mode. and if theres a person i text a lot, i mute them lol. it bothers me so much when my phone is constantly turning on to show me notifications.
This is told through the lens of people who can't stop working when they clock out, which they should rectify immediately if they are able to. This problem persists for our whole society though
POV you’re scrolling through the comments instead of paying attention to the vid
In the last five years I have not once checked my mails (I don't have a job so yea)
Unbiased truth of 21st century. I admit!!!