lost all respect for """""oculus"""" when they discontinued the rift s. now its just "buy our cheap headset which we use to gather and sell all your data and personalize ads based on what you talk about"
"So realistic" yeah no lol, obv only said that cause he's getting paid.
Air link + HLA => number of views UPUPUPUP
Yo anyone else having frame issues on there oculus quest 2? Specifically on walking dead
That's cute and all but what's the next system?
Why wasn't I asked to join?
Are you ever going to produce healthy humanistic content? Or just keep pushing this evil inhuman paradigm that attacks the foundation of human and multicellular life?
Dorkiest ad
Cool but we need marvel avengers United back or I’m gonna sell my quest 2
I dont get this
Now I use my VR headset to see my cute little friend whom I met in Echo VR
Give me medal of honor!!! NOW!!!!! LOL Kidding
Cornball games, but I guess this is good for the industry.
There should be a uufo camellia pack in beat saber
가슴이 웅장해진다..
plays vector games: Super realistic!
lost all respect for """""oculus"""" when they discontinued the rift s. now its just "buy our cheap headset which we use to gather and sell all your data and personalize ads based on what you talk about"
"So realistic" yeah no lol, obv only said that cause he's getting paid.
Air link + HLA => number of views UPUPUPUP
Yo anyone else having frame issues on there oculus quest 2? Specifically on walking dead
That's cute and all but what's the next system?
Why wasn't I asked to join?
Are you ever going to produce healthy humanistic content?
Or just keep pushing this evil inhuman paradigm that attacks the foundation of human and multicellular life?
Dorkiest ad
Cool but we need marvel avengers United back or I’m gonna sell my quest 2
I dont get this
Now I use my VR headset to see my cute little friend whom I met in Echo VR

Give me medal of honor!!! NOW!!!!! LOL Kidding
Cornball games, but I guess this is good for the industry.
There should be a uufo camellia pack in beat saber
Why such a poor quality promo?