This isn’t a Castlevania game, though it certainly seems like one. And that’s a good thing. Allow Colin Moriarrty to take you through BloodRayne Betrayal IGN …
This isn’t a Castlevania game, though it certainly seems like one. And that’s a good thing. Allow Colin Moriarrty to take you through BloodRayne Betrayal IGN …
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sh*t game . crooked review . iv seen more solid gameplay 40 years ago , damn lame
So this got a remaster and new voice lines. It’s still a must buy
2021 just buy and enjoy very
This game is forever lost now that ps3 isn't supported anymore
I've played this game and while it does have some issues it was still a decent game.
Wtf is this I miss the old ps2 bloodrayne 2 style
same I what a new bloodrayne game or a reboot
"the music is somewhat forgettable unfortunately"
literally what
I liked the game but this is a very poorly evaluated review . If there is one thing this game does not have it is replayability . HIghscores and health increasing items is not replayability content for most of us. There is literally not a damn thing to do or unlock post game. With same reused spiderboss I really doubt many people want to replay the game that does not add much in terms of new abilities .
The only Negative thing he came up with is "Unbalanced" which is opinion and not objective fact about the game . Could have talked more about those backflip controls that work 70% of the time before he gave it 9/10
If he is completely unfamiliar with this franchise, why is he reviewing this
Was this a prequel or final sequel to the series?
Lots of people didn't like this game for whatever reason. Hmm… I liked it a lot – still do. It reminds me of the older Castlevania games.
I want a next gen bloodrayne that's like the old games and not arcade style
"looks like it was made in flash"
ya sure. cause that automatically makes it bad. nevermind that this game is rly cool. amd fun
Flash game sale on psn only 2 bucks!!
I got here because of the "BEWBS IN THE THUMBNAIL".
I love how they stole the first boss in Order of Ecclesia and made it their first boss…. Brachyura.
Thumbs up if PSN Flash Sale brought you here.
Its no better than bloodrayne 1 and 2
This new Strider games has somewhat similar gameplay mechanics, yet look at how it looks. This game looks 8-bit compared to Strider.
This review ended with "Minor issues aside, I really loved Bloodrayne Betrayal. It's too bad that it carries the negative stigma Bloodrayne seems to have, and that some people won't play it for that reason"
… What? What reason? What negative stigma? Is that seriously the final note of this review? Wtf kind of fluff bs is that
This guy is an excellent reviewer. Rates games fairly and knows what are good and bad qualities in games like the main game trailers reviewer.
Can you disable the score counter? Its annoying.
This game is amazing! Good job IGN for giving a well done review. I really love this title. It feels crisp, the controls feel fairly tight, the in game animation is stunnning and its a rewarding experience.
I would say its not THAT hard, maybe if you haven't played 2d for awhile but save states are fair. I like the music but it can be forgettable, also try the in game 8bit version.
I will Always love bloodrayne 1 like mah baby, i'm not a fan of the 2d though
is this for nintendo?
So as far as I can tell this game is about a redhead with anger issues who travels in a spaceship coffin. It's like Newgrounds in 2003 all over again.
bloodrayne should get a remake, she would be very sexy on the remake.
people should like this game sense it is old school hard like dmc
What negative stigma does BloodRayne have?
"Beautiful" "Great animation"
> Looks like animated in flash
Yeaaaah. Guess I'll go back to reviews by unprofessional youtubers.
came out for pc today….super excited
Its like he is reviewing some other game not the one on the screen, Blood was a much much better game than this…thing
so is this like the dish washer for xbl?
Ye but whatever game you get for free from playstation plus, isn't free once you're year membership is up etc. At least on xbox you actually get to keep the game weather you're membership expires or not.
I just played the demo and it's quite fun. Has a similar art style to Symphony of the Night but plays like an NES Castlevania title with more combat.
Forgettable the music is awesom