From a clown sighting caught by camera on a drone to a crocodile that was very close to devouring a drone, here are 11 terrifying things caught by drones!
From a clown sighting caught by camera on a drone to a crocodile that was very close to devouring a drone, here are 11 terrifying things caught by drones!
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This was the longest most boring 10 minutes of my life I will never ever get back
Curtis I would just like to personally say thank you so much for making these videos there's something about your voice that I really enjoy and I love your content thank you very much
Enjoyed yr clip . Great Commentary . Is there an elevator to get to the top of the windmill ?
Surprised that drone, chop the head off rattlesnake
It’s amazing what you see with Drones awesome. Thank you Curtis 👍
Wtf is with the clown 🤡 in the corn 🌽 field ?! Seriously.
As a drone pilot getting ‘close’ is very risky I’d never even try it but getting ‘too close is just stupid’.
Like, how many, like, times, can you like, say like, in like, 1 video? Great apart from that though, narrator has a great voice for this kind of thing.
I am going to have night mares after seeing all those snakes
Curtis, you have the perfect voice for these videos and any other narrative jobs. Even reading books to kids. I teach kids and you have the best inflections in your voice for reading books to kids out loud. Just a thought.
I’m white but giggle every time you say, “hell to the no” or even better, “my black ass” You Curtis are awesomely amazing
As for getting my drone back from them snakes, That Would be Hell to the No, They can have it.
Nah. I’d leave the drone in the pit of snakes. Cheers 👍😎🇦🇺
It’s the rattlesnakes drone now
waste of time and space.
How the hell did that guy get up all the way on that wind turbine?😳
Love ya vids…
This has taught me I need a drone
Looks like the drone pilot was the one who was hit on the head…
Hell no I would not go get it if the snakes wants it that bad and they can have it simple
I thought it was terrifying things 🙁
The wind turbines not turning so it may not be working also it is possible the guy could live in it because it does have roof access and also you can climb up a ladder through the center of the pole I can live there but I would need an elevator LOL!
What do you think about no. 4? Seems it's human
Like you said hell to the no on retrieving from the vioer pit
No ,I would not get the drone !
Rattler snake den. Oops 😬
Pour gasoline on that nest
Bigfoot is a tree stump, and a drone is a male bee.
2nd video with the supposedly Bigfoot. Buddy is flying a drone and that's the best he can get? I'll solve that mystery right now. It's his fucking friend. None of these are terrifying dude
What’s wrong with saying can you imagine standing there, instead of (Like) standing there, you sound so dumb!
Must admit this video is shit