<Yo!!! I can’t keep calm seeing innocent people lose so much to btc, while not earn profitably with Benjamin Leon by trading with him. He has helped me gain so much already, his trading strategy is extremely the best
That's the face I use when someone is explaining a new shit coin to me.
You should send this clip tagging this dude's Twitter lol
You Buttcoin boys are really butthurt over bears, aren’t you?
They just dont understand how money is created. It just shows ignorance, so sad
And boom goes the dynamite! lol. Awesome as always, George!
It only moves for the same reason any asset does. The next guy buys higher. Dumb dumb
CNBC is the pandemic doctors of the financial main stream media.
He's just a very stupid guy, trying to look like he knows something. Forget him.
This clip sums up how stupid these people are.
John is dumb, simple.
I guess this is why I never watch CNBC, their level of ignorance is painful.
Even if you take crypto out of the equation, saying how can a piece of code be worth so much has lived under a rock for 40 or so years.
I think there was nothing wrong with Ford’s answer. He literally said he didn’t know or understand and to be cautious. So it’s not like he was throwing shade at BTC.
Besides EGLD I have RAINI, still low market cap, building an NFT supercharged DEFI and gaming universe! Supported by Rarestone Capital. Have a look!!!!
Time for CNBC to censor better …
You should do one with Jim Cramer. Another idiot
Tipical fomo in guy when btc is at ath
Maybe he’s a good actor and buying the dips
What an arrogant fool his entire body language is so ridicules self confident. I wish someone would show this clip to him now so he can see for himself how stupid he looks
To be fair John gave pretty good advice , if you dont know what your doing be careful … I mean not exactly ripping BTC apart lol the last guy was worse
Mint a BEAR COIN that runs on tears and fears. That may just be the bullish news on bear coin. Then what would it be called after the tears and fears runs dry?
I would love it if it was 20k.
<Yo!!! I can’t keep calm seeing innocent people lose so much to btc, while not earn profitably with Benjamin Leon by trading with him. He has helped me gain so much already, his trading strategy is extremely the best
That's the face I use when someone is explaining a new shit coin to me.
You should send this clip tagging this dude's Twitter lol
You Buttcoin boys are really butthurt over bears, aren’t you?
They just dont understand how money is created. It just shows ignorance, so sad
And boom goes the dynamite! lol. Awesome as always, George!
It only moves for the same reason any asset does. The next guy buys higher. Dumb dumb
CNBC is the pandemic doctors of the financial main stream media.
He's just a very stupid guy, trying to look like he knows something. Forget him.
This clip sums up how stupid these people are.
John is dumb, simple.
I guess this is why I never watch CNBC, their level of ignorance is painful.
Even if you take crypto out of the equation, saying how can a piece of code be worth so much has lived under a rock for 40 or so years.
I think there was nothing wrong with Ford’s answer. He literally said he didn’t know or understand and to be cautious. So it’s not like he was throwing shade at BTC.
Besides EGLD I have RAINI, still low market cap, building an NFT supercharged DEFI and gaming universe! Supported by Rarestone Capital. Have a look!!!!
Time for CNBC to censor better …
You should do one with Jim Cramer. Another idiot
Tipical fomo in guy when btc is at ath
Maybe he’s a good actor and buying the dips
What an arrogant fool
his entire body language is so ridicules self confident. I wish someone would show this clip to him now so he can see for himself how stupid he looks
To be fair John gave pretty good advice , if you dont know what your doing be careful … I mean not exactly ripping BTC apart lol the last guy was worse
Mint a BEAR COIN that runs on tears and fears. That may just be the bullish news on bear coin. Then what would it be called after the tears and fears runs dry?