Marvel's Avengers Review

Marvel's Avengers Review

Marvel’s Avengers reviewed on PlayStation 4 Pro by Tom Marks, also available on Xbox One and PC. Marvel’s Avengers has a fun and endearing superhero …


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  1. Flash forward to 2021, every single one of you are talking about how much this game rocks now because of what is being released this month and months to come. Eat your words now video game karens

  2. Currently playing this on ps5 atm it's not as bad as everyone says but it's not great either if they put the game in the same format as miles morales or spiderman it would be a much better game

  3. Don't know how many out there have gaming variety but remember when shadow of the Colossus on the PS3 was in 3d? And remember when you played the remake on the PS4 in vr and realised it was 3d as well, uh guess what marvel avengers on your psvr is also 3d, won't be for everyone but this games mad through ya psvr, loving it more now, I've been very patient with this game and it's extra content is getting better! Don't give up on it!

  4. What is Black Widow even doing there? Every time in the movies we see Captain busting out his shield, Iron Man preparing his Repulsors.. and then Widow unholstering her pistol lmao

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