Tales of Arise is the latest entry of a beloved JRPG franchise that maintains the series’ iconic Linear Motion Battle System along with a ton of new features for …
Tales of Arise is the latest entry of a beloved JRPG franchise that maintains the series’ iconic Linear Motion Battle System along with a ton of new features for …
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kinda reminds me of dragon quest 11 :O
Not for me !
IGN: everything you need to know
me: waiting for him to say if it is available for pc or is this an MMO.
me: fine i'll google it myself.
Only thing you need to know is they cut multiplayer…
believe me law can really punch through
Will it be coming to PC? Or do still the Japanese hate PC gaming
You forgot to mention that the game has tons of ads selling exp boosts and swimsuits
finished and it just want to tell you wont be disappointed with the ending ?
Did IGN actually write this article tho?
Terrible video. A lot of inaccurate info, smh
Can anyone tell me if there's the "invert x-axis" option for PS4? Might end up buying anyway because it seems like a great game, but I'm so used to play with "invert x-axis" that it can be a deal-breaker for me :/
Shionne’s perk isn’t the same as her Boost attack dude. Her perk is the bombs she throws and can shoot. You literally said the same exact thing twice about her. So much for “Everything you need to know”
JRPG with english dub just feels…weird…especially when they're yelling skill names..
Except persona series tho, the english dub is fantastic
very disappointed this game does not support ultrawide on pc
Does this have a multiplayer like the rest of the Tales games? If my friend picks up a controller, can they have control during combat ?
LMAO! Took me 20 hours into the game to realise Shionne is Futaba xD
Waiting my copie!!
Is there a pvp ?
FOV in this game is truly horrible, I’m pushing myself so hard to play.
only ps 5 gameplay? need PC GAMEPLAY
Getting this on my birthday for sure
Have a new lets play about ninja gaiden 2, if you guys want some more inspiration about the game, hav a look on my channel

Episode #4 is online o.O Have a nice Day
IGN遽然給了9分 世界末日要來了麽? =-=
everything you need to know: PLAYIT