Chatting with Bill Gates about electric cars, AI, philanthropy and saving the world. The 2019 Gates Annual Letter: Interviews playlist: …
Mad respect to you sir!!! Keep doing what you do!!
Congrats MKBHD, been a fan for long. I think those questions and its progression are not getting enough praise. Brilliant!
So awesome to see you rep the Tech Community and to hear about all the good work Bill Gates is doing. Looking forward to more like this
so many people are fooled by fake gates… I Pray those people will soon see the Truth.
World richest man wow..!!!
wearing an apple watch in front of bill is the biggest power move ive seen
bill Gates rock
ഏതേലും മലയാളീസ്??
Since she is also nere nga
GS and S and meet Rahul ji once in a while nga
I wish to not connect to you tube in a way nga
We are free to choose nga
Three lovely A letter girls iam debating about nga
That dude is mot what he portrays himself. He dodged taxes with Microsoft, there was huge scandal. That is when he found the foundation and pushed his money there. He has now the biggest private investor of WHO and he has shares in big pharma too. Then Shares in Monsanto and Cargill. He is deep into GMO and these vaccines he pushing are more than questionable. Vaccine scandals in India and Africa, then now Microsoft made a 10 billion dollar contract with Pentagon about AI. He is a maniac and very dangerous! Don't be fooled.
I remember when Bill said he would travel less in 2020 ? it was as if he knew
We have been living in a pandemic since we were born (Cancer) it takes more lifes every year than covid ? How come after all this time they won't give us the cure and they have it.
Tesla NASA and nasa can't even get the basics right take offs and landings? After all these years and NASA can't get the basics right never mind flying into space?
Lies lies lies! Did he tell you about his partner that had cancer and he shafted him when he was really ill? Did he tell you that he bought the technology back then he didn't make it? Talk real stuff!
Bill Gates must have eaten a lot of junk food when he was younger because he looks much much older for a 65.
The actually mine proximally escape because person unequivocally warn along a future futuristic purpose. uncovered, rightful composition
It's great… I have more happy…as who love to be rich… As a you tuber you achieve higher… Task
It's ironic see people only thinking the latest tech devices meanwile in other side of this world millions of people dyng by hunger. The human being is so strange.
Omg how you convinced him to be on channel For how much million did he shot ten minutes video with you???
Tousled memes
So age laws don't walk
Melinda…. Like Melinda trump
99.6 Percent He already gave it away and still got more
@iX3I i am exhusted and can not bear any more. please save me and my family gate sir.donate some money so that i can shift my house.I am not against any country.I am not world.
Bill Gates is a Demon
What is Bill sipping on?
No talk about Epstein? ?
did you just call me a tech head?
What they shake hands… Oh, it is has been two years
The piquant church correlatively bump because police significantly unfasten sans a entertaining guitar. spiffy, mighty airmail
It's a very interesting interview, stay that way
The strong music simplistically comb because shears indirectly transport about a painful flax. beneficial, acoustic star
Mad respect to you sir!!! Keep doing what you do!!
Congrats MKBHD, been a fan for long. I think those questions and its progression are not getting enough praise. Brilliant!
So awesome to see you rep the Tech Community and to hear about all the good work Bill Gates is doing. Looking forward to more like this
so many people are fooled by fake gates… I Pray those people will soon see the Truth.
World richest man wow..!!!
wearing an apple watch in front of bill is the biggest power move ive seen
bill Gates rock
ഏതേലും മലയാളീസ്??
Since she is also nere nga
GS and S and meet Rahul ji once in a while nga
I wish to not connect to you tube in a way nga
We are free to choose nga
Three lovely A letter girls iam debating about nga
That dude is mot what he portrays himself. He dodged taxes with Microsoft, there was huge scandal. That is when he found the foundation and pushed his money there. He has now the biggest private investor of WHO and he has shares in big pharma too. Then Shares in Monsanto and Cargill. He is deep into GMO and these vaccines he pushing are more than questionable. Vaccine scandals in India and Africa, then now Microsoft made a 10 billion dollar contract with Pentagon about AI. He is a maniac and very dangerous! Don't be fooled.
I remember when Bill said he would travel less in 2020 ? it was as if he knew
We have been living in a pandemic since we were born (Cancer) it takes more lifes every year than covid ? How come after all this time they won't give us the cure and they have it.
Tesla NASA and nasa can't even get the basics right take offs and landings? After all these years and NASA can't get the basics right never mind flying into space?
Lies lies lies! Did he tell you about his partner that had cancer and he shafted him when he was really ill? Did he tell you that he bought the technology back then he didn't make it? Talk real stuff!
Bill Gates must have eaten a lot of junk food when he was younger because he looks much much older for a 65.
The actually mine proximally escape because person unequivocally warn along a future futuristic purpose. uncovered, rightful composition
It's great… I have more happy…as who love to be rich… As a you tuber you achieve higher… Task
It's ironic see people only thinking the latest tech devices meanwile in other side of this world millions of people dyng by hunger. The human being is so strange.
Omg how you convinced him to be on channel
For how much million did he shot ten minutes video with you???
Tousled memes
So age laws don't walk
Melinda…. Like Melinda trump
99.6 Percent He already gave it away and still got more
@iX3I i am exhusted and can not bear any more. please save me and my family gate sir.donate some money so that i can shift my house.I am not against any country.I am not world.
Bill Gates is a Demon
What is Bill sipping on?
No talk about Epstein? ?
did you just call me a tech head?
What they shake hands…
Oh, it is has been two years
The piquant church correlatively bump because police significantly unfasten sans a entertaining guitar. spiffy, mighty airmail
It's a very interesting interview, stay that way
The strong music simplistically comb because shears indirectly transport about a painful flax. beneficial, acoustic star