F.I.S.T.: Forged in Shadow Torch is worth keeping an eye on. It brings some unique flavor to the platformer genre with its story and world building but lacks some …
F.I.S.T.: Forged in Shadow Torch is worth keeping an eye on. It brings some unique flavor to the platformer genre with its story and world building but lacks some …
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I smell doodie pass?
Made in China……No Thanks
What an inconsistent review. This game isn’t some AAA 60$ game, why aren’t you considering that? This game is the sh*t, what are you comparing it to? You guys do awesome work, I’m baffled by the negative tone of the review. And yes, seven is harsh for this. It’s an 8 maybe even a 9 if you enjoy the genre.
30 bugs
never ever
Can't wait to start FISTing!
I can't find any information on how long the game is to complete and 100% does anyone know?
I look forward to getting this later on as a Psplus game!
Sounds like the low score is primarily a symptom of low "Get Gud" levels
Well color me impressed, first impressions were pretty, ' yeah ok..' but after to your review I'm keeping both my eyes on this, I've turned into a pretty jaded gamer recently and I love my 30 plus years of gaming, but it's just 'Same ol same ol' with better graphics with games lately.. this tho, this looks cool as a banana, great review, will look forward to this
Is there a physical release of this?
Never heard of this game till the ponys mentioned it on Twitter
Another frustrating platform game no thanks.
I'm sorry, but was that clip shown at the start of this video from another game? That female cat character's design doesn't really fit in this world with her human like face, when all the other characters actually look like animals.
Leave it to the Chineses to deliver what a true metroidvania game is like in the 2021. Go China!!
Am I crazy or does this look exactly like strider
Not a bad thing btw
Does it utilize the dual sense at all??
wish it had been given a physical, same with Kena.
The demo was decent!!!…
Microsoft is gonna buy them because Sony doesn't want them
Chinese studio? Yea, nah im good.
how many hours to end the story??? any side missions???
what biomutant shouldve looked like
Good review, it's priced correctly I will be picking it up.
Diesel Punk is great BUT playing as a rabbit vs other animals nah…not my cup of tea. Identification with the protagonist is important to me.