In director Denis Villeneuve’s 2021 movie Dune, Timothée Chalamet stars as Paul Atreides, scion of the powerful House of Atreides in a far-off future where a …
In director Denis Villeneuve’s 2021 movie Dune, Timothée Chalamet stars as Paul Atreides, scion of the powerful House of Atreides in a far-off future where a …
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How are they gunna review it a month before it even comes out!?!?! Ugh. Should be synchronic with the release
to be honest, dune would be best as a miniseries
Lol everyone is saying is remarkable movie ign say the opposite..stick to games please
hello ign, how would your headquarter like to be bombed? from the front gate or from the inside out?
LOTR :The fellowship of the ring, finishes without an ending, it just… finishes.
The fact that they divided the novel in two parts is a big plus for me.
Another shifty review.. What a surprise
Sooooo where do they cut the film off at?
You guys have absolutely NO TASTE and wouldn't know a masterpiece if it bent you over!
Any film that IGN criticizes is bound to be fantastic.
Hey IGN, did you even know that every Fast and Furious movie, violates the law of physics. lol.
Freaking dumbasses.
Fire the new guys you are hiring ign
Of all sci fi stories to make, this one is one of the poorest. From the word of mouth I've heard it is decent special effects and sets and bad acting and story.
Dune was never meant to be "Obvious" in its ending. thats the entire point.
Ign: we haven’t actually seen the movie but we’re gunna review it anyways. 7/10
This is from critics who never read the book
IGN… This review is a joke…
Seems biased
So the downside of the movie is that there are two parts? Everything sounds great according to this other than there being a sequel, and I’m just not sure if that’s reason to downgrade it so much
Came here for the 10/10 comments. Well done IGN, you got a perfect score on community engagement.
What a sad excuse for a movie review and company. Probably have people who never took a film class doing your movie reviews
A 7? The review made it seem more of an 8 at the least. Also, this movie sounds like Fellowship of the Ring. Part one of an overarching story
Millenials reviewing movies though.
8 minutes standing ovation Venice Film festival! IGN guy don't like it..
7 for an average movie goer but a 11 for a dune fan. Even Herbert acknowledged that he likes to keep the third act fast and tight so this isn't something unexpected if you have read the book. Watch part 1 and keep the spice flowing
IGN… bunch of corporare mercenaries with zero backbone
Lol this review is hilarious. Can’t wait for the real critics to start posting reviews.
Have you noticed that they give higher scores to Disney movies and lower ones to everything else…Sweet sweet mouse bucks
All the nerds are triggered…??
If Villeneuve can't do it, no one can.
Heard that Dune got an 8 minute standing ovation at Venice film festival and ign gives it 7 ?
As always IGN living upto their weired scoring methodology… baffles my mind ?
If your main complaint is that it follows the book, instead of taking on the dumbed down Hollywood style of pacing, then it sounds perfect.
Disliked the video
Just Remember that these people gave Captain Marvel an 8.3/10 And Fast 9 an 8/10
"It has a little something for everyone"
Lot of people in here who have already decided what they're going to think about a movie they haven't seen.
Dune is not supposed to be a Movie….a series maybe…but never a movie
"hurrrrr durrrr dribbling *smooth brain groaning*" – IGN movie reviews
Can't wait to compare this with their MCU reviews.
And here ladies and gentleman you can see the worst review ever….
This review is just pathetic
Great honest review didn't give into the hype ?