Cardano Update (ALL TIME HIGHS Are Just The Beginning) BitBoy Crypto — September 4, 2021 29 comments Tweet on Twitter Share on Facebook Google+ Pinterest September is going to be a huge month for Cardano. With smart contracts ready to go live and teams already building on the network, this is one of the most … source ada Alonzo alt coin season bitcoin cardano Cardano City Cardano eco-system developments cardano price increase cardano price prediction cardano september cardano update crypto news today cryptocurrency cryptocurrency investing Dapplications ethereum NFT smart contracts Tweet on Twitter Share on Facebook Google+ Pinterest
When this guy goes bullish I sell every coin I have that’s been my best indicator doing great just sold everything in my portfolio
I'm holding ADA but I'm super unlucky so something proper random will just happen n price will drop drastically, sorry my bad
ADA is king XRP soon to follow
Digitalbits(Xdb)are better than Ada
Let’s gooooo!
Didn't there smart contracts fail?
How about "ADAX"
ADA is trash
ADA Testnet failed?? Any updates?
I'm in at an average of 1.04 n over 800ADA ….I know I got in late ? in at polkadot at like 12$
I say $5
ADA , Coti, Cartesi, Xrp, Xec , holding all ??????
When this guy goes bullish I sell every coin I have that’s been my best indicator doing great just sold everything in my portfolio
Love my Cardano
Ada 2023 400$ !!
ADA!!! ?
Hbar betta
I'm holding ADA but I'm super unlucky so something proper random will just happen n price will drop drastically, sorry my bad
ADA Gang !!!! ???
It’s not ready yet though didn’t it just fail?
Gotta mention CKB Nervos Network partnered with Ada Cardano!
This guy is an entertainer. Remember that
Who has polkadot contracts failed
ADA to 10$ minimum.
Talking head
I don’t have enough Cardano.