Tekken Hybrid offers a Blu-ray disc’s worth of content for fans of the series. Watch our video review and see if it’s a worthy addition to your fighting game …
Tekken Hybrid offers a Blu-ray disc’s worth of content for fans of the series. Watch our video review and see if it’s a worthy addition to your fighting game …
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tekken tag 1 is missing 1-on-1 mode, total bummer.
Just bought this for 9$. It should arrive in a week.
When I got my PS3 again I will definitely buy this
What do they expect Tekken Tag came out on PS2, I use to own it and wish I can find this Tekken Hybrid since its hard to find online for a cheaper price. I will not mind a High resolution Tekken Tag 1 in my collection.
If only I could find the game.
Please!!!!!! Is Gon!!!! In this game?!?!?
So how do you play tekken hybrid after u download it? What disc you must have and is it on the psn store?
When The PS2 first came out. My first game was Tekken Tag. I told my friends. There is no way they can top these graphics… I have never been more wrong in my entire life
If tag 1 came out with online play, would the hardcore fans even bother with tag 2 online? My gripe with tag 2 is the juggling. I suck at juggling.
I saw a review of the Tekken Blood Vengeance film and my brain melted as I watched it's SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO boring!!!!
Now that TTT 2 is out there's no need to purchase except if you don't have the origanal TTT 1.
Also are Jin and Kazuya's Devil models in this games demo in TTT 2?
Such nostalgic! That was the first fighting and Tekken game I ever played. The one that introduced me to the Tekken-universe, and made me fall in love with the Tekken franchise! And don't get me started about how much I love('d) Tekken bowl!!!
And one of the first games I got for my PS2 (along with Ratchet & Clank), so this is one of those few old games that means a lot to me (but I have to say that the sequel: "Tekken Tag Tournament 2" is much better)!
This was a Good Cash-In for Me I Loved this bundle.
So, would I be able to watch Tekken Blood Vengeance on my TV with my Blu-Ray player? I don't own a 3-D TV, nor do I have a 3D Blu-Ray player.
I laugh at how bad these reviewer are at their jobs!
I just picked up my copy of the game!
Biggest plus for tekken 1 was tekken bowling… where you at?
だめです! Hirasawa-san. Shouldn't you be focusing on your studies. 勉強しなさい
Why am I only finding out about this now?! TTT is one of my favourite PS2 games ever, now I can play it on PS3! Not sure how well it'll stand up against TTT 2 now, but for pure nostalgia I'll have to get it!
I switched Consoles after my 360 got a red ring (3rd time, 2 consoles) to a PS3 and I've never looked back. Halo 4 may of had been fun but its not worth the hassle of the 360. Buy a PS3, you won't regret it.
I… I wish I had a PS3. I fucking wish I had bought a PS3 instead of an Xbox.
Thanks,and yes i believe,i mean,im not english or from any nation that speaks english and still spell a litlle better than people that actually born there : p(but sometimes,damn,my english is quite ugly lol).Well,i was just say to the top coment there a couples obvious things because cmon,everyone can clearly see the TTT2 is better i mean,,,isnt that…OBVIOUS?lol xD
Trust me,you didn't fuck up That badly. I've seen people on youtube that speak english and write half as good as you do.
ups,my english spelling is kinda crap im sorry xD
You could have ended it way cooler if you said worthy
nostalgia =/= better game
TTT 1 is so muchbetter imo. The Nostalgia I had when popping Tekken Hybrid was too much for me.
If you think the combos in Tekken Tag 2 are unfair then you don't know Tekken, because the death combos in older games like Tekken 2 were a whole lot shorter, took less skill, and did substantially more damage. Tekken Tag 2 is probably the best Tekken game to date gameplay wise
Yes it did, and Namco had no part in the movie, which is why it sucked.
Yes, walls are part of the game. It is not a flaw. There are strategies like sidestepping and positioning to avoid getting caught in the wall, but yes, get caught on the wall and take damage, pretty much just like real life….. it makes sense. It's an awesome part of the game I think. Walls discourage players who "turtle" and run away all day. And EVERY fighting game has lengthy combos that take off a lot of damage, you act like this is something exclusive to Tekken.
Alright, I'm done, you're not worth it.
lol your comment is as stupid as the author.cmon,can´t you see your obviously comment?
whatever child.
Look I know you desperately want to own a little kid and and you talk about common sense when really you have none yourself.
Do you know you need air to survive?And if you eat something,you will take a dump.do you know this things?
Annoying is reading a stupid comment like yours.
wow, you're annoying
Change your nick to "Captain Obvious".
No,not obviously, it's my opinion, if people like the first one better I respect that.
You have no idea what you're talking about. If you know how to juggle in Tekken Tag 1 you can win with only two juggles. Damage was stupid in that game. It takes a lot more skill and knowledge to win in Tag 2. I played Tag 1 in tournaments so I know. Compared to TTT2, Tag 1 is like playing a kids game.
Obviously -_-
Someone Please Tell me the Music Starting at 2:26 !!!
@ilovesasukeandleto cuz ign is stupid
i should have corrected myself, oh well
IGN Is so biased there are as bad is X Play!. But X Play is not as bad with adam gone.
*should have
The only things really dragging down Tekken Tag 2 are overly powerful attacks and bounds
1,2, and 3 and in Tekken 5
No , by fact and sells Tekken Tag Tournament 2 is better