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So, what do you do if the batterie dies?
@Naruto305864203 my Twitter id
Oh an outside video xD
The bike is very amazing. @ashay24gothi
better than Super73?
@SgtPepper1969 ?
@rafaelcanical I want one so bad!!!
@NaharSanchit Love ur unboxing
if they have a version that looks like a road bike ill bite but honestly these look like my grandma would have a sweet time on these on her way to the bakery.
oh god never expexted this from a bicycle ?? @Tahatavassol
Okaaay @Oujnin1
@Akram53101413 Randomly great bicycle ??. Hellow man featured is here.
@aditdixit ???
@DezertStar – This bike is so cool!!
Been thinking about an electric assist bike for a while. @rickofthec
Subscribe and leave a comment for your chance to win a VanMoof S3.
So, what do you do if the batterie dies?
@Naruto305864203 my Twitter id
Oh an outside video xD
The bike is very amazing. @ashay24gothi
better than Super73?
@SgtPepper1969 ?
@rafaelcanical I want one so bad!!!
Love ur unboxing
if they have a version that looks like a road bike ill bite but honestly these look like my grandma would have a sweet time on these on her way to the bakery.
oh god never expexted this from a bicycle ?? @Tahatavassol
Randomly great bicycle
Hellow man featured is here.
@aditdixit ???
@DezertStar – This bike is so cool!!
Been thinking about an electric assist bike for a while. @rickofthec
Hi, @Prateek3041
that is a epic machine