No More Heroes 3 is an amusing but extremely uneven sequel only likely to appeal to Suda 51 diehards – and even for that audience, it takes several steps …
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No More Heroes 3 is an amusing but extremely uneven sequel only likely to appeal to Suda 51 diehards – and even for that audience, it takes several steps …
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trust ign japan
6 WTF ?
Fire this dude
“Fromda East to the West, was that u yesterday “
An honest review. U mad about it?
Разгружаем фуру с дизлайками, работяги
Absolutely filtered!
Imagine being this tone deaf
Looks charming and genuine as hell even tho some little tweaks could still be appreciated .
I'm buying it if anything for the sake of supporting more audacious storytelling by developers such as Suda.
Ign: 6/10 no microtransactions and lootboxes makes it less replayable
4:53 6/10
The fact that this is an unreal engine game on the switch’s weak hardware with an open world environment is amazing.
The Dislikes are for IGN USA rating systems, not for NMH
NMH IS NO. 1!!!
This game would have gotten a 10 if Travis was non binary and the name of the game was "No More White Men"
"complete filler task so you can fight some generic bad aliens" uh… He's a part timer… And beside… The minigame imo is pretty fun… (some maybe somewhat boring) but hey… You outta get some rest before fighting again… And you're an ex no more heroes / assasins so part timing to make new weapons or get access to fight such bad dude it reasonable
Watch EasyAllies review. Always far superior than IGNs especially if you love Brandon Jone's iconic GameTrailers voice
"By today's standards". When Nintendo releases a game they are setting the standard for handheld games since no one else is actually doing it. Also, he stated having to fight enemies before a boss fight as being a problem. When in any game do you ever go directly to the boss without an inbetween?
Pros: its HD
Playing now and loving it! Review talks about being dated- just like IGNs reviews. The irony.
NMH is without a doubt one of the best games from my childhood. However after the original they were all pretty bad, but only because they set the bar so high the first time. Same thing with Kingdom Hearts
ok let me check gamespot review
That budget Enjoy the Silence used in the background
To someone who's not a fan of the series, and never played any of the previous games, NMH 3 looks absolutely terrible. People are not even interested in a review, though, they just want to watch someone who confirms what they already think about the game. If it gets a low score, then the review is bad and the person who reviews it has no idea what they're talking about, so it should only be reviewed by a fanboy who gives it a biased 9/10, based on the sole fact that he enjoyed the previous 2 games in the series.
What kind of Incel Did IGN get to do this review?!?!
Performance does look pretty bad.
Easy allies reviews score this a 9
This is why we need a Switch Pro, these games look horrible. I’m legitimately worried about how Bayonetta 3 is gonna look now.
Please fix crash Modern_Combat_4_Zero_Hour ? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
The textures that pop in & out randomly really bother me
Scores don't matter anymore, these are just opinions
This game is epic
This actually looks dope
Aaaaaa! Its starting to get frustrating even begining to watch IGNs reviews. ): They have become so… unconstructive