It’s been a long time coming, but IGN Editor Nick Kolan is finally ready to give out his score for the latest BioWare epic: “The Old Republic.” Do the grandiose …
It’s been a long time coming, but IGN Editor Nick Kolan is finally ready to give out his score for the latest BioWare epic: “The Old Republic.” Do the grandiose …
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This game was my childhood man
The game looks like a pile of crap compared to the trailers
I've just got an xbox series x and never played this at all….downloading it now hopefully it reaches the hype.
Just now gon play it for the first time ? after the mandalorian i fell down a star wars rabbit hole and now I want everything about star wars
Wonder why this dude don’t make reviews anymore lmfaoo he actually DID A REVIEW nowadays they would be like graphics are meh 5-10
The anticipated Infamous WOW killer…years later…Free to Play
Anyone here after it was released on steam
i swear im the only one here in 2020
The burning question is… why don't we have more Star Wars games like this these days?? Between KOTOR and Jade Empire; if we have this level of gameplay and content… with today's graphics and performance… then just imagine the possibilities.
It's 2020 and im getting reccomed dis
Is this game worth playing today?
I'm here because of the Discount
thats how you open a new star wars video
SWTOR scored 9??!! Ok, yes, it has epic, stunning cinematics, worthy of being a movie themselves. But game wise is not even close to its predecesors.
Started playing this game now in 2019 I'm amazed by how much it has devloped since it started!
This game looks terrible
I just started playing this game the first time and holy wow, it is hands down the bar setter in MMO storytelling to date. I've never cared for MMOs because I've always felt the quality of how the narrative is told is so disjointed and lackluster (everything is half-heartedly told to you via text dialog and infologs) but this game has storytelling on par with Bioware's single player RPGs, complete with full voice acting, and it's GOOD voice acting.
If you're a fan of Star Wars and you enjoy RPGs, you owe it to yourself to give it a shot.
i have it voor free and i love it
I don't appreciate the hate here. I really loved SW TOR a lot, and it's a pity they're shutting it down. I wish we did get more KOTOR, but SWTOR had a crap ton of content
Sadly though I loved kotor 1 & 2 and wanted to play this one too I just cant play any game that requires a subscription to play.
I wish I liked MMO's, because the story and setup seem amazing, but that gameplay just isn't for me.
Still waiting for a review on sand..
If only there is still a asian server